BitNami Node.js Stack -



BitNami Node.js Stack 是 BitNami 推出的 Node.js
的集成套装软件,帮你轻松搭建 Node.js 运行环境。

BitNami Node.js Stack 包含 Node.js 和使用 NPM 作为模块管理和 node-waf 用于构建原生扩展,同时包含了对
Redis 服务器的支持环境,以及如下模块:

  • Coffee Script : A friendly language that compiles into JavaScript.
  • Jade : A high performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented in JavaScript.
  • Express : High performance, high class web development for Node.js. Inspired by Sinatra.
  • Node-dev : A development tool on top of Node.js that automatically restarts the node process when a script is modified.