gmongo - MongoDB的Groovy封装包



gmongo 是用 Groovy
MongoDB 的 Java 驱动进行封装的软件包。示例代码:

// To download GMongo on the fly and put it at classpath
@Grab(group='com.gmongo', module='gmongo', version='0.9.5')
import com.gmongo.GMongo
// Instantiate a com.gmongo.GMongo object instead of com.mongodb.Mongo
// The same constructors and methods are available here
def mongo = new GMongo()

// Get a db reference in the old fashion way
def db = mongo.getDB("gmongo")

// Collections can be accessed as a db property (like the javascript API)
assert db.myCollection instanceof com.mongodb.DBCollection
// They also can be accessed with array notation 
assert db['my.collection'] instanceof com.mongodb.DBCollection

// Insert a document
db.languages.insert([name: 'Groovy'])
// A less verbose way to do it
db.languages.insert(name: 'Ruby')
// Yet another way
db.languages << [name: 'Python']

// Insert a list of documents
db.languages << [[name: 'Javascript', type: 'prototyped'], [name: 'Ioke', type: 'prototyped']]

def statics = ['Java', 'C', 'VB']

statics.each {
    db.languages << [name: it, type: 'static']

// Finding the first document
def lang = db.languages.findOne()
assert == 'Groovy'
// Set a new property = ''
// Save the new version lang

assert db.languages.findOne(name: 'Groovy').site == ''

// Counting the number of documents in the collection
assert db.languages.find(type: 'static').count() == 3

// Another way to count
assert db.languages.count(type: 'prototyped') == 2

// Updating a document using the '$set' operator
db.languages.update([name: 'Python'], [$set: [paradigms: ['object-oriented', 'functional', 'imperative']]])

assert 3 == db.languages.findOne(name: 'Python').paradigms.size()

// Using upsert
db.languages.update([name: 'Haskel'], [$set: [paradigms: ['functional']]], true)

assert db.languages.findOne(name: 'Haskel')

// Removing some documents
db.languages.remove(type: 'prototyped')
assert 0 == db.languages.count(type: 'prototyped')

// Removing all documents
assert 0 == db.languages.count()

// To ensure complete consistency in a session use DB#inRequest
// It is analogous to user DB#requestStarted and DB#requestDone
db.inRequest {
    db.languages.insert(name: 'Objective-C')
    assert 1 == db.languages.count(name: 'Objective-C')