Cedar 是 Objective-C 上 BDD 风格的单元测试框架。
describe(@"Example specs on NSString", ^{ it(@"lowercaseString returns a new string with everything in lower case", ^{ [@"FOOBar" lowercaseString] should equal(@"foobar"); }); it(@"length returns the number of characters in the string", ^{ [@"internationalization" length] should equal(20); }); describe(@"isEqualToString:", ^{ it(@"should return true if the strings are the same", ^{ [@"someString" isEqualToString:@"someString"] should be_truthy; }); it(@"should return false if the strings are not the same", ^{ [@"someString" isEqualToString:@"anotherString"] should be_falsy; }); }); });