读取一组SVG图标并从SVG图标输出 TTF/EOT/WOFF/WOFF2/SVG 字体,字体生成器。
由 svgtofont 创建的图标字体
file-icons 文件树中的文件图标。
uiw-iconfont @ uiw-react组件库的图标字体。
npm i svgtofont
const svgtofont = require("svgtofont"); svgtofont({ src: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "icon"), // svg path dist: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "fonts"), // output path fontName: "svgtofont", // font name css: true, // Create CSS files. }).then(() => { console.log('done!'); });
const svgtofont = require("svgtofont"); const path = require("path"); svgtofont({ src: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "icon"), // svg path dist: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "fonts"), // output path fontName: "svgtofont", // font name css: true, // Create CSS files. startNumber: 20000, // unicode start number svgicons2svgfont: { fontHeight: 1000, normalize: true }, // website = null, no demo html files website: { title: "svgtofont", // Must be a .svg format image. logo: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "svg", "git.svg"), version: pkg.version, meta: { description: "Converts SVG fonts to TTF/EOT/WOFF/WOFF2/SVG format.", keywords: "svgtofont,TTF,EOT,WOFF,WOFF2,SVG" }, description: ``, links: [ { title: "GitHub", url: "https://github.com/jaywcjlove/svgtofont" }, { title: "Feedback", url: "https://github.com/jaywcjlove/svgtofont/issues" }, { title: "Font Class", url: "index.html" }, { title: "Unicode", url: "unicode.html" } ], footerInfo: `Licensed under MIT. (Yes it's free and open-sourced` } }).then(() => { console.log('done!'); });;
const { createSVG, createTTF, createEOT, createWOFF, createWOFF2 } = require("svgtofont/src/utils"); const options = { ... }; createSVG(options) // SVG => SVG Font .then(UnicodeObjChar => createTTF(options)) // SVG Font => TTF .then(() => createEOT(options)) // TTF => EOT .then(() => createWOFF(options)) // TTF => WOFF .then(() => createWOFF2(options)) // TTF => WOFF2