Hakuba 是管理 UITableView 的新方式。
// viewController swift file hakuba = Hakuba(tableView: tableView) let cellmodel = YourCellModel(title: "Title", des: "description") { println("Did select cell with title = \(title)") } hakuba[2].append(cellmodel) // append a new cell model in datasource .slide(.Fade) // show the cell of your cell model in the table view hakuba[1].remove(1...3) .slide(.Right) // your cell swift file class YourCellModel : MYCellModel { let title: String let des: String init(title: String, des: String, selectionHandler: MYSelectionHandler) { self.title = title self.des = des super.init(YourCell.self, selectionHandler: selectionHandler) } } class YourCell : MYTableViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel! override func configureCell(data: MYCellModel) { super.configureCell(data) if let cellmodel = data as? YourCellModel { titleLabel.text = cellmodel.title } } }