GDRSImageCache 是 iOS 一个非常小型的图片缓存和更改图片大小的开发包。给定一个 URL 后该库会通过后台线程获取图片并在内存中缓存。
UIImageView *anImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 40, 40)]; // create the cache GDRSImageCache *cache = [[GDRSImageCache alloc] initWithCachedImageFilter:^UIImage *(UIImage *sourceImage) { // resize the image to the image view size and round the image corners; // this is called by the cache on a background thread return [sourceImage gdrs_resizedImageToAspectFitSize:anImageView.bounds.size cornerRadius:10]; }]; // set the default image, which will be returned from // fetchImageWithURL:completionHandler: if an image coresponding to the // requested url is not cached yet. cache.defaultImage = [UIImage imageNamed:<#place holder image name#>]; NSURL *imageUrl = <#an url to a image#>; // fetch an image; the call returns imidiatly and the callback handler // is called when the image is fetched over the network anImageView.image = [cache fetchImageWithURL:imageUrl completionHandler:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error) { anImageView.image = image; }];