PJR-NSString-Category 是 NSString 的分类,可以执行很多字符串操作,包括:
String validation.
Email validation.
Phone validation.
URL validation.
Add or remove substring.
Get Substring.
Get Application version.
Get Application Name.
Generate Array from string.
Get String from Array.
Get Number of words in String.
Check if my string contains only letters, only numbers or both.
Convert NSData from NSString.
//Examples of NSString Category NSString *testStr = @"Hello"; if([testStr isValid]){ NSLog(@"It is a Valid String"); } NSString *blankStr = @" "; if([blankStr isBlank]){ NSLog(@"It is a blank String"); } NSString *noOfWordsStr = @"Number of Words"; NSLog(@"Number of words are :%d",[noOfWordsStr countNumberOfWords]); if([noOfWordsStr containsString:@"of"]){ NSLog(@"YES"); } if([noOfWordsStr isBeginsWith:@"N"]){ NSLog(@"YES"); } if([noOfWordsStr isEndssWith:@"s"]){ NSLog(@"YES"); } NSLog(@"string after replace charcter is :%@",[noOfWordsStr replaceCharcter:@"of" withCharcter:@"offfff"]); NSLog(@"Get substring :%@",[noOfWordsStr getSubstringFrom:1 to:6]); NSLog(@"Add string :%@",[noOfWordsStr addString:@" are 3"]); NSLog(@"Removed string :%@",[noOfWordsStr removeSubString:@"of"]); NSString *letterStr = @"abcd"; NSString *numberStr = @"1234"; NSString *letterNuberStr = @"sdf545"; if([letterStr containsOnlyLetters]){ NSLog(@"Contanis only letters"); } if([numberStr containsOnlyNumbers]){ NSLog(@"Contanis only numbers"); } if([letterNuberStr containsOnlyNumbersAndLetters]){ NSLog(@"Contanis letters and numbers"); } NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:letterStr,numberStr,letterNuberStr, nil]; if([numberStr isInThisarray:array]){ NSLog(@"Yes number string is in this array"); } NSLog(@"String from array is :%@",[NSString getStringFromArray:array]); NSLog(@"Array from String is :%@",[noOfWordsStr getArray]); NSLog(@"My Application Version number is :%@",[NSString getMyApplicationVersion]); NSLog(@"My Application name is :%@",[NSString getMyApplicationName]); if([@"pjr@gmail.com" isValidEmail]){ NSLog(@"It is valid Email"); } if(![@"21323gf" isVAlidPhoneNumber]){ NSLog(@"It is not valid Phone number"); } if([@"http://www.google.com" isValidUrl]){ NSLog(@"It is valid URL"); }