jValidate - jQuery表单验证插件



jValidate allows for an easier and cleaner way of validating forms on the
client side. It’s key features are that it puts validation rules in semantic
HTML (inputs with class email are validates as emails, etc), is passive not
aggressive, is easy to access and trigger.

There are several built in validation rules; email, url, number, string, ip,
date. As well as general length restrictions with minimum length, max length
and in a range. It’s also very simple to add your own validation rules, it’s
easiest if you know regular expressions but it’s not a must.

There are several ways to check for validation:

  • With a function $(‘input’).validate();
  • With selectors $(‘input:valid’);
    • With listeners $(‘input’).listenValidation();



// JavaScript
$(’form :invalid’).each(function() {
// $(this) is invalid
$(’form input’).each(function() {
if($(this).validate()) {
// $(this) is valid
$(’form *’).listenValidation();`