Form Tooltip -



A tooltip plugin for forms. The tooltip is always displayed beneath form
elements, and activated when a form field gets focus (works for keyboard and
mouse navigation). The tooltip content is set based on the fields title-
attribute (customizable).

Requires delegate

(bundled with validation plugin)

Usage: $(“#myform”).formtooltip();


  • String element : HTML markup for the tooltip element, must contain element with class “formtooltip-body”
  • Function positionParent : Returns the element to use for positioning. Gets one argument, the currently focussed element. The default returns just that element. Custom implemenetations can return some parent of the element.
  • Number left : Offset left for the tooltip. Default: 10
  • Selector type : Elements to apply the tooltip to. Default: “input, textarea, select”
  • Number fade : The duration in milliseconds of the fadein/out animations when hiding/showing the tooltip. Default: 250