Simple MySQL-C ORM -



当你需要在纯C语言的应用程序中访问 MySQL 表中的数据时,是非常繁琐的事情,而该框架可以帮你大量的简化编码的工作,该框架采用 Python 开发,适用于
C 语言程序。


#include <db.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <string.h>  
#include <time.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv)  
    int ret;  
    MYSQL global_mysql;  
    MYSQL *m;

    db_ex_customer *cust1;  
    db_ex_item *item1, *item2;

    mysql_init (& global_mysql);

     * connect to MySQL as usual  
    m = mysql_real_connect (& global_mysql, "localhost", "root", "", "ex1", 3036, NULL, 0);

     * pass the MySQL connection to function, that initializes the "ORM"  
    ret = db_init (& global_mysql);

     * the *__new method creates empty structure  
    cust1 = db_ex_customer__new ();  
     * setting the structure attribute with allocated string,  
     * it will be freed during call of *__free method  
    cust1->name = strdup ("alesak");

     * this methods inserts the structure into according table.  
     * If it has serial field, its value is reflected into structure  
    ret = db_ex_customer__insert (cust1);

    item1 = db_ex_item__new ();  
    item1->customer_id = cust1->id;  
    item1->itemname = strdup ("simple orm");

    ret = db_ex_item__insert (item1);

    item2 = db_ex_item__new ();  
    item2->customer_id = cust1->id;  
    item2->itemname = strdup ("advanced orm");

    ret = db_ex_item__insert (item2);

    db_ex_customer__free (cust1);  
    db_ex_item__free (item1);  
    db_ex_item__free (item2);

    return (0);  