Field Plug-in -



This plugin greatly expands the ability to retrieve and set values in forms
beyond jQuery’s standard val() method (and Mike Alsup’s Form Plug-in’s
fieldArray() method) by allowing you to interact with all types of form
field elements (except input[@type="file"], which is a read-only element.)
It works the same way for text elements as it does for radio, checkbox and
select elements.

The plug-in was built on the concept that you want to manipulate the fields
like their traditional variables. Selectors should be written to query a
specific field object (i.e. elements that would be linked together via a
common name attribute, for example $("input[@name='myRadioButton']").)

Elements that return multiple values are either separated by a comma or
returned as an array based on which methods you invoke.

For elements that allow more than one option to be select (select and checkbox
elements) you can specify a comma delimited list or an array of values to mark
multiple options as being selected.

Syntax Examples

  • $("input[@name='users']").fieldArray();
    Returns an array of all values selected or entered for the selector. If the
    selector was a checkbox or select element, the array would contain the value
    of each item selected/checked.

  • $("input[@name='users']").fieldArray(["dan", "joern", "karl", "john"]);
    Sets the value of the field to “dan,joern,karl,john”. If the selector was a
    checkbox or select element, then the options with the values of “dan”,
    “joern”, “karl” and “john” would be selected–all other options would be

  • $("input[@name='users']").getValue();
    Returns a comma delimited string of all values selected or entered for the
    selector. If the selector was a checkbox or select element, the string would
    contain the value of each item selected/checked as a separate item in the

  • $("input[@name='users']").setValue("dan,joern,karl,john");
    Sets the value of the field to “dan,joern,karl,john”. If the selector was a
    checkbox or select element, then the options with the values of “dan”,
    “joern”, “karl” and “john” would be selected–all other options would be

  • $("#formName").formHash();
    Returns a hash map of all the form fields and their values.

  • $("#formName").formHash({"name": "Dan G. Switzer, II", "state": "OH"});
    Returns the jQuery chain and sets the fields “name” and “state” with the
    values “Dan G. Switzer, II” and “OH” respectively.

  • $("input:checkbox").limitSelection(3);
    $("input:checkbox").limitSelection({limit: 3});
    Limits the user from being able to select more than 3 items in a
    checkbox/select element. Once the user selects more than 3 items, an error
    alert() message is displayed.

  • $("input:checkbox").limitSelection(3, {onsuccess: successCallback, onfailure: errorCallback});
    $("input:checkbox").limitSelection({limit: 3, onsuccess: successCallback, onfailure: errorCallback});
    Limits the user from being able to select more than 3 items in a
    checkbox/select element. If 3 items or less are selected, the successCallback
    is executed. If more than 3 items is selected, the errorCallback is executed.

  • $("input:checkbox").createCheckboxRange();
    The createCheckboxRange() allows you to create a Gmail-like checkbox range
    selector. By clicking on a checkbox element and then [SHIFT] clicking on an
    additional checkbox element, the entire range of checkbox elements between the
    first and second elements clicked with be checked or unchecked (based upon the
    status of the first checkbox clicked.)

  • $("input:checkbox").createCheckboxRange(callback);
    Triggers the callback function to run each time the checked status of a field
    changes. This allows you to attach behaviors–such as highlighting the
    checkbox’s row. This callback function’s “this” reference is to the jQuery
    object who’s status was changed. An single argument is passed that’s a boolean
    indicating whether or not the field is checked or not.

  • $("#formName").autoAdvance();*
    The autoAdvance() will search through the matching elements in the selector
    for any text-based input fields. It will then apply an onkeyup event that will
    take the user to the next field in the tabIndex (within the context of the
    form) when the maxlength value of the field has been reached.

  • $("#formName").autoAdvance(callback);*
    Automatic advances to next field and triggers the callback function on the
    field the user left. This callback function’s “this” reference is to the
    jQuery object who’s field your leaving. An single argument is passed that’s a
    reference to the field that’s being moved to.

  • $("input[@name='users']").moveNext();*
    This would move the focus to the next field in the tabIndex array from the
    “users” field. If the next tabItem is outside of the form’s context, the first
    element in the form will be selected.

  • $("input[@name='users']").movePrev();*
    This would move the focus to the previous field in the tabIndex array from the
    “users” field. If the previous tabItem is outside of the form’s context, the
    last element in the form will be selected.

  • $("input[@name='users']").moveIndex(3);*
    This would move the focus to the third element in the tabIndex array. If the
    value “3” is outside the tabIndex array for the current form, then the last
    field would be selected.

  • $("input[@name='users']").getTabIndex();*
    This returns the tabIndex for the current field as it relates to the parent
    form object.

  • The tabIndex navigation methods attempt to follow the spec for tabbing
    through elements. This means that elements that have a specified tabIndex
    take priority over elements that do not specify an index. Disabled items are
    skipped altogether. The major exception is that the methods will only move
    within the parent form object.