News ticker (BBC style) -



News ticker in the style of that used on the BBC news site.

Sample usage:

$(document).ready(function() { var options = { newsList: "#news", startDelay: 10, placeHolder1: " []" } $().newsTicker(options); });

for markup as follows:

<ul id="news"> <li><a href=""></a></li> <li><a href="">jQuery</a></li> </ul>

Underline text decoration on the (un-hovered) link is not recommended, for
obvious reasons! :-)

The full set of options is:

  • newsList: “#news” // assumes unordered list; specify the ul holding the news items
  • tickerRate: 80 // time gap between display of each letter (ms)
  • startDelay: 100 // delay before first run of the ticker (ms)
  • loopDelay: 3000 // time for which full text of each item is shown at end of print-out (ms)
  • placeHolder1: ” |” // character placeholder shown on even loops
  • placeHolder2: “_” // character placeholder shown on odd loops