Populate form fields with example text that disappears on focus.
Simple usage:
$('input#name').example('Bob Smith');
Using a custom class name instead of the default example:
$(':input').example('Fill me in!', {className: 'special_example'});
New in 1.3: specifying the example text with a callback:
$('input[@title]').example(function() { return $(this).attr('title'); });
Supports one option:
This plugin is fully compatible with the Metadata plugin, allowing you to set the example text via the example property and the standard className property in elements themselves.
<input type="text" class="{example: 'Name here', className: 'special'}">
Please see README.markdown for further information.
This plugin is compatible with jQuery 1.1 and newer.
Dual-licensed under the BSD and GPL licenses.