public void setMainApp(MainAppClass mainApp){ this.mainApp = mainApp; FilteredList<FileModel> filteredData = new FilteredList<>(mainApp.getFileData(), p -> true); // 2. Set the filter Predicate whenever the filter changes. filterField.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { filteredData.setPredicate(files -> { // If filter text is empty, display all files. if (newValue == null || newValue.isEmpty()) { return true; } String lowerCaseFilter = newValue.toLowerCase(); if (files.getFileSubject().toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerCaseFilter) != -1) { return true; // Filter matches Subject. } else if (files.getFileDate().toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerCaseFilter) != -1) { return true; // Filter matches last name. } return false; // Does not match. }); }); // 3. Wrap the FilteredList in a SortedList. SortedList<FileModel> sortedData = new SortedList<>(filteredData); // 4. Bind the SortedList comparator to the TableView comparator. sortedData.comparatorProperty().bind(fileTable.comparatorProperty()); // 5. Add sorted (and filtered) data to the table. fileTable.setItems(sortedData); }
@FXML private void deleteFile() { int selectedIndex = fileTable.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (selectedIndex >= 0) { fileTable.getItems().remove(selectedIndex); } else { // Nothing selected. Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.WARNING); alert.initOwner(mainApp.getPrimaryStage()); alert.setTitle("No Selection"); alert.showAndWait(); } }
FileModel selectedItem = fileTable.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem != null) { mainApp.getFileData().remove(selectedItem); }