




public class main {

 * @param args the command line arguments

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

File temps = new File ("temps.txt"); //Creates path to temps.txt file
FileReader textReader = new FileReader (temps); //Input information from temps.txt file into file reader
BufferedReader kb = new BufferedReader (textReader); //Use buffered reader to hold temps.txt file info from the file reader

String tempList; //Create string variable named tempList
int lineCount = 0; //Create integer variable named lineCount
String sep = ": Temp "; //Create string variable named sep (short for separation) and set it equal to the literal string ":"
String space = " "; //Create string variable named space and set it equal to an actual space between texts

System.out.println("The following is the provided information from the file input. ");
while ((tempList = kb.readLine()) !=null) { //while loop stating that as long as the text file still has values to read (is not null), continue to execute

    System.out.println("Line " + lineCount++ + ": Year " + tempList.replace(space, sep)); //Prints out the line number (lineCount++), the info from the temps.txt file with a ":" between the year and the number (tempList.replace (space,sep)





Line 0: Year 1900: Temp 50.9
Line 1: Year 1901: Temp 49
Line 2: Year 1902: Temp 49.7
Line 3: Year 1903: Temp 49.5
Line 4: Year 1904: Temp 47.1
Line 5: Year 1905: Temp 49.1


Line 99: Year 1999: Temp 52.7
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

阅读 381





String tempList; //Create string variable named tempList
int lineCount = 0; //Create integer variable named lineCount
String sep = ": Temp "; //Create string variable named sep (short for separation) and set it equal to the literal string ":"
String space = " "; //Create string variable named space and set it equal to an actual space between texts

String maxValueYear = "";
String minValueYear = "";
double maxValue = 0;
double minValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
System.out.println("The following is the provided information from the file input. ");
while ((tempList = kb.readLine()) !=null) { //while loop stating that as long as the text file still has values to read (is not null), continue to execute

    String year = tempList.substring(0, tempList.indexOf(space));
    double temp = Double.valueOf(tempList.substring(tempList.indexOf(space), tempList.length()));

    if (temp > maxValue) {
        maxValue = temp;
        maxValueYear = year;
    if (temp < minValue) {
        minValue = temp;
        minValueYear = year;
    System.out.println("Line " + lineCount++ + ": Year " + tempList.replace(space, sep)); //Prints out the line number (lineCount++), the info from the temps.txt file with a ":" between the year and the number (tempList.replace (space,sep)


System.out.println("The minimum temp occured in year " + minValueYear + " and was " + minValue);
System.out.println("The maximum temp occured in year " + maxValueYear + " and was " + maxValue);