我要进行最简单的解释。我的Java TCP项目有一个服务器和三个客户端。
工作流程为: 1.客户端(例如,client_0)的UserThread获取用户输入,然后将消息发送到服务器。 2.服务器的ClientThread捕获来自client_0的消息,并将另一条消息发送到另一个客户端(例如client_1)的ServerThread。 3.然后,client_1的ServerThread发送回另一条消息到服务器中运行的ClientThread。
共有3个客户端,例如client_0,client_1和client_2。 最初的想法是,如果client_0请求服务器,则服务器与client_1和client_2通信。这就是if(i==cid) continue;服务器中for循环中的行的原因。但是,如果我注释掉这一行,服务器将与client_0通信(这在语义上是不必要的),并且不会发生消息传递问题。此后,服务器与client_1通信,问题再次出现。
if(i==cid) continue;
服务器可以从客户端(Client_0)的ServerThread接收消息,该消息从其UserThread发送了原始请求(msgToServer.println("get list");),以启动整个过程。但是Server无法从任何其他客户端的ServerThread获取消息,即使它可以将消息发送给其他客户端,并且所有客户端程序都是相同的,并且所有ServerThreads和UserThreads都应该工作相同。怎么可能呢?
msgToServer.println("get list");
package serverftp; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class ServerFTP { static String[] id = {"cp 1","cp 2","cp 3"}; static String[] pass = {"123","456","789"}; static BufferedReader[] msgFromClient = new BufferedReader[3]; static PrintWriter[] msgToClient = new PrintWriter[3]; static InputStream[] fileFromClient = new InputStream[3]; static OutputStream[] fileToClient = new OutputStream[3]; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ServerSocket welcome = new ServerSocket(6789); // connecting the three clients for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { System.out.println("Waiting for Client "+i); Socket clientSocket; clientSocket = welcome.accept(); while(true) { System.out.println("Connecting Client "+i); BufferedReader fromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream())); PrintWriter toClient = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(),true); // get id pass from client String clientId = fromClient.readLine(); System.out.println(clientId); String clientPass = fromClient.readLine(); System.out.println(clientPass); // check id pass and feedback if(clientId.equals(id[i]) && clientPass.equals(pass[i])) { toClient.println("ok"); msgFromClient[i] = fromClient; msgToClient[i] = toClient; fileFromClient[i] = clientSocket.getInputStream(); fileToClient[i] = clientSocket.getOutputStream(); break; } else { toClient.println("error"); } } ClientThread ct = new ClientThread(i); ct.start(); System.out.println("Client "+i+" connected!"); } welcome.close(); } } class ClientThread extends Thread { int cid; String msg; public ClientThread(int client_id) { cid = client_id; try { // telling client it's serial ServerFTP.msgToClient[cid].println(Integer.toString(cid)); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void run() { while(true) { try { // get request from receiver msg = ServerFTP.msgFromClient[cid].readLine(); if(msg.equals("get list")) { System.out.println(cid+" "+msg); msg = ServerFTP.msgFromClient[cid].readLine(); System.out.println(cid+" "+msg); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { if(i==cid) continue; // send sender request for file list ServerFTP.msgToClient[i].println("give list"); System.out.println("request sent to client "+i); // get file count from sender msg = ServerFTP.msgFromClient[i].readLine(); System.out.println("file count caught!!!"); // THIS LINE NEVER EXECUTES System.out.println("File count "+msg); } } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
该行System.out.println("file count caught!!!");永远不会被调用。
System.out.println("file count caught!!!");
package clientftp_1; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class ClientFTP_1 { static String[] allPaths = { "...path...\\client_1_folder", "...path...\\client_2_folder", "...path...\\client_3_folder"}; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); Socket server = new Socket(inetAddress,6789); int myId; // login phase BufferedReader fromUser = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); BufferedReader fromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(server.getInputStream())); PrintWriter toServer = new PrintWriter(server.getOutputStream(),true); InputStream getFile = server.getInputStream(); OutputStream sendFile = server.getOutputStream(); while(true) { System.out.println("id: "); String msg = fromUser.readLine(); toServer.println(msg); System.out.println("password: "); msg = fromUser.readLine(); toServer.println(msg); msg = fromServer.readLine(); if(msg.equals("ok")) { System.out.println("Connection Successful!"); myId = Integer.parseInt(fromServer.readLine()); System.out.println("Client serial is: "+myId); System.out.println("Folder path is: "+allPaths[myId]); break; } else { System.out.println("Error! Try again please."); } } ServerThread st = new ServerThread(allPaths[myId],fromUser,fromServer,toServer,getFile,sendFile); st.start(); UserThread ut = new UserThread(allPaths[myId],fromUser,fromServer,toServer,getFile,sendFile); ut.start(); } } class ServerThread extends Thread { String folderPath; String msg; BufferedReader msgFromServer,msgFromUser; PrintWriter msgToServer; InputStream fileFromServer; OutputStream fileToServer; public ServerThread(String path,BufferedReader fromUser,BufferedReader fromServer,PrintWriter toServer,InputStream getFile,OutputStream sendFile) throws Exception { folderPath = path; msgFromUser = fromUser; msgFromServer = fromServer; msgToServer = toServer; fileFromServer = getFile; fileToServer = sendFile; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Server Thread Started"); while(true) { try { // receive request msg = msgFromServer.readLine(); System.out.println("request received from server"); if(msg.equals("give list")) { // get filenames File folder = new File(folderPath); File[] fileList = folder.listFiles(); int cnt = fileList.length; System.out.println("count calculated"); // sned file count to server msgToServer.println(Integer.toString(cnt)); System.out.println("count sent to server"); // THIS LINE PRINTS } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } class UserThread extends Thread { String folderPath; String msg; BufferedReader msgFromServer,msgFromUser; PrintWriter msgToServer; InputStream fileFromServer; OutputStream fileToServer; public UserThread(String path,BufferedReader fromUser,BufferedReader fromServer,PrintWriter toServer,InputStream getFile,OutputStream sendFile) throws Exception { folderPath = path; msgFromUser = fromUser; msgFromServer = fromServer; msgToServer = toServer; fileFromServer = getFile; fileToServer = sendFile; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("USer Thread Started"); while(true) { try { // input from user msg = msgFromUser.readLine(); if(msg.equals("get list")) { // send request to server msgToServer.println("get list"); msgToServer.println("fahim list"); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }
该行System.out.println("count sent to server");已打印。这意味着之前的消息发送行已毫无问题地执行了。
System.out.println("count sent to server");