public static void main(String arr[]){ double num1, num2; String ans = null; System.out.println("Calculator manu:"); System.out.println("\n"+"a for adding"); System.out.println("b for substracting"); System.out.println("c for multiplying"); System.out.println("d for dividing"); Scanner NumInput = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("\n"+"Enter number one: "); num1 = NumInput.nextDouble(); System.out.println("\n"+"Enter number two: "); num2 = NumInput.nextDouble(); while(true) { Scanner AnsInput = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("\n"+"Choose operation."); String answer = AnsInput.next(); if(AnsInput.equals("1")) { answer = Double.toString(num1+num2); System.out.println("\n"+"The sum of the first and second number is: "+answer); } else if(AnsInput.equals("2")) { answer = Double.toString(num1-num2); System.out.println("\n"+"Subtraction of the first and the second number is: "+answer); } else if(AnsInput.equals("3")) { answer = Double.toString(num1*num2); System.out.println("\n"+"The product of the first and second number is: "+answer); } else if(AnsInput.equals("4")) { answer = Double.toString(num1/num2); System.out.println("\n"+"Ratio of the first and the second number is: "+answer); } } }