我正在使用JList,并且由于JList没有(值,文本)(因此我可以显示文本并在代码中使用值)。由于这种泄漏,我创建 List了对象(myList),该对象与并行工作JList。我每个项目添加到JList我加入myList,所以同样的指标将包含相同的信息 在两个对象(JList和MYLIST)我用的JList.getselectedindex()方法来获得指标,并用它myList来的小狗信息…
问题:就是当我选择价值的下一个值myList被 覆盖与第一价值!这个问题知道吗?
mod_mp = new ModelMAPPING(); objects cotain values that ot exist in jList msgF.setTo(incom.userID);/////// set parter! if(isExCon==-1) { // not exist mod_mp.to = incom.userID; // incom is object that incom from another program mod_mp.SetCovFile(incom.userID+".html"); mod_mp.ConvName = incom.getBody(); boolean added= model_list.add(mod_mp); // add to mylist if(added) System.out.println(mod_mp._Hfile + " added"); model.addElement(mod_mp.ConvName);// add to Jlist by model HestoryFile(Htmlhead+tohis,mod_mp._Hfile);//create _Hfile and write to it:"tohis" string. } else { //exist@ // note isExcon return the index if exist else -1 model_list.get(isExCon).ConvName=incom.getBody(); mod_mp.SetCovFile(model_list.get(isExCon)._Hfile); HestoryFile(tohis, model_list.get(isExCon)._Hfile); }//end else
Here if file exists I just update the new text in the JList and set the current file
The select of JList is:
msgF.setTo (model_list.get(jList2.getSelectedIndex()).to); // set that we will send To... mod_mp.SetCovFile(model_list.get(jList2.getSelectedIndex())._Hfile);//set the file jLabel5.setText( bringFromFile(mod_mp._Hfile));//tell the label to read that file
It works fine, but when I have two items in JList if I select any, the other is overridden!!!
我正在使用JList,并且由于JList没有(值,文本)(所以我 可以显示文本并在代码中使用值)
很难理解您的问题,但是我“怀疑” 这句话,因为您对JList模型和 其JList本身显示的文本有误解。我认为这就是为什么您需要单独的 List。
该模型可以包含所需的任何对象,并且JList还可以 根据需要显示文本,而不管对象本身如何。最后一项任务由 ListCellRenderer. Take a look to Writing a Custom Cell Renderer
For instance you can have this class:
class Person { String lastName; String name; public Person(String lastName, String name){ this.lastName = lastName; this.name = name; } public String getLastName(){ return this.lastName; } public String getName(){ return this.name; } }
DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel(); model.addElement(new Person("Lennon","John")); model.addElement(new Person("Harrison","George")); model.addElement(new Person("McCartney","Paul")); model.addElement(new Person("Starr","Ringo"));
But you want to display the name and last name of each Person. Well you can implement your own ListCellRenderer to do this:
JList list = new JList(model); list.setCellRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer(){ @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); if(value instanceof Person){ Person person = (Person)value; setText(person.getName() + " " + person.getLastName()); } return this; } });