[ {"name": "Category 1", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 5}, {"name": "Entry 2", "value": 2}, ]}, {"name": "Category 2", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 1}, ]}, {"name": "Category 3", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 1}, {"name": "Entry 2", "value": 10}, {"name": "Entry 3", "value": 4}, ]}, ]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_data(data): total_categories = len(data) # holds how many charts to create max_values = 1 # holds the maximum number of bars to create for category in data: max_values = max(max_values, len(category["entries"])) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = None for index, category in enumerate(data): entries = [] values = [] for entry in category["entries"]: entries.append(entry["name"]) values.append(entry["value"]) if not entries: continue # do not create empty charts y_ticks = range(1, len(entries) + 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(total_categories, 1, index + 1, sharex=ax) ax.barh(y_ticks, values) ax.set_ylim(0, max_values + 1) # limit the y axis for fixed height ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(entries) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_title(category["name"], loc="left") fig.tight_layout()
无论有多少个条目具有某个类别,这都将使条形高度保持相同(至少在整个图上),这要归功于y限制(set_ylim())设置为数据中条形的最高数量。但是,这也会在条目数少于最大数量的类别中留下令人讨厌的空白。或者将所有内容都放在视觉上,我正在尝试将其从“ 实际”转换 为“ 预期” :
data = [ {"name": "Category 1", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 5}, {"name": "Entry 2", "value": 2}, ]}, {"name": "Category 2", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 1}, ]}, {"name": "Category 3", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 1}, {"name": "Entry 2", "value": 10}, {"name": "Entry 3", "value": 4}, ]}, {"name": "Category 4", "entries": [ {"name": "Entry 1", "value": 6}, ]}, ] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def plot_data(data, barwidth = 0.2, # inch per bar spacing = 3, # spacing between subplots in units of barwidth figx = 5, # figure width in inch left = 4, # left margin in units of bar width right=2): # right margin in units of bar width tc = len(data) # "total_categories", holds how many charts to create max_values = [] # holds the maximum number of bars to create for category in data: max_values.append( len(category["entries"])) max_values = np.array(max_values) # total figure height: figy = ((np.sum(max_values)+tc) + (tc+1)*spacing)*barwidth #inch fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figx,figy)) ax = None for index, category in enumerate(data): entries = [] values = [] for entry in category["entries"]: entries.append(entry["name"]) values.append(entry["value"]) if not entries: continue # do not create empty charts y_ticks = range(1, len(entries) + 1) # coordinates of new axes [left, bottom, width, height] coord = [left*barwidth/figx, 1-barwidth*((index+1)*spacing+np.sum(max_values[:index+1])+index+1)/figy, 1-(left+right)*barwidth/figx, (max_values[index]+1)*barwidth/figy ] ax = fig.add_axes(coord, sharex=ax) ax.barh(y_ticks, values) ax.set_ylim(0, max_values[index] + 1) # limit the y axis for fixed height ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(entries) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_title(category["name"], loc="left") plot_data(data) plt.savefig(__file__+".png") plt.show()