我正在尝试提取受密码保护的.zip文件,其中包含一个.txt文件(Congrats.txt这种情况可以)。现在其中Congrats.txt包含文本,因此其大小不为0kb。将其放在zipv1.zip带有密码的.zip中(出于线程的考虑,让其命名为.zip ),并为此设置密码dominique。该密码将存储在另一个.txt中的其他单词和名称中(file.txt为方便起见,我们将其命名)。
现在,如果我通过执行以下代码python Program.py -z zipv1.zip -f file.txt(假设所有这些文件都与处于同一文件夹中Program.py)运行,则我的程序将显示dominique为zipv1.zip其中的其他单词/密码的正确密码,file.txt并提取,zipv1.zip但Congrats.txt为空,大小为0kb 。
python Program.py -z zipv1.zip -f file.txt
import argparse import multiprocessing import zipfile parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Unzips a password protected .zip", usage="Program.py -z zip.zip -f file.txt") # Creates -z arg parser.add_argument("-z", "--zip", metavar="", required=True, help="Location and the name of the .zip file.") # Creates -f arg parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", metavar="", required=True, help="Location and the name of file.txt.") args = parser.parse_args() def extract_zip(zip_filename, password): try: zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename) zip_file.extractall(pwd=password) print(f"[+] Password for the .zip: {password.decode('utf-8')} \n") except: # If a password fails, it moves to the next password without notifying the user. If all passwords fail, it will print nothing in the command prompt. pass def main(zip, file): if (zip == None) | (file == None): # If the args are not used, it displays how to use them to the user. print(parser.usage) exit(0) # Opens the word list/password list/dictionary in "read binary" mode. txt_file = open(file, "rb") # Allows 8 instances of Python to be ran simultaneously. with multiprocessing.Pool(8) as pool: # "starmap" expands the tuples as 2 separate arguments to fit "extract_zip" pool.starmap(extract_zip, [(zip, line.strip()) for line in txt_file]) if __name__ == '__main__': main(args.zip, args.file)
因此,为了解决此问题,我尝试阅读zipfile的文档,发现如果密码与.zip不匹配,则会抛出RuntimeError。所以我确实except:将代码更改为except RuntimeError:并尝试解压缩时遇到此错误zipv1.zip:
except RuntimeError:
(venv) C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program>Program.py -z zipv1.zip -f file.txt [+] Password for the .zip: dominique multiprocessing.pool.RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 121, in worker result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 47, in starmapstar return list(itertools.starmap(args[0], args[1])) File "C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program\Program.py", line 16, in extract_zip zip_file.extractall(pwd=password) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 1594, in extractall self._extract_member(zipinfo, path, pwd) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 1649, in _extract_member shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\shutil.py", line 79, in copyfileobj buf = fsrc.read(length) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 876, in read data = self._read1(n) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 966, in _read1 self._update_crc(data) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 894, in _update_crc raise BadZipFile("Bad CRC-32 for file %r" % self.name) zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32 for file 'Congrats.txt' """ The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program\Program.py", line 38, in <module> main(args.zip, args.file) File "C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program\Program.py", line 33, in main pool.starmap(extract_zip, [(zip, line.strip()) for line in txt_file]) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 276, in starmap return self._map_async(func, iterable, starmapstar, chunksize).get() File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 657, in get raise self._value zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32 for file 'Congrats.txt'
(venv) C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program>Program.py -z zipv2.zip -f file.txt [+] Password for the .zip: dominique multiprocessing.pool.RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 121, in worker result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 47, in starmapstar return list(itertools.starmap(args[0], args[1])) File "C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program\Program.py", line 16, in extract_zip zip_file.extractall(pwd=password) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 1594, in extractall self._extract_member(zipinfo, path, pwd) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 1649, in _extract_member shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\shutil.py", line 79, in copyfileobj buf = fsrc.read(length) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 876, in read data = self._read1(n) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 966, in _read1 self._update_crc(data) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\zipfile.py", line 894, in _update_crc raise BadZipFile("Bad CRC-32 for file %r" % self.name) zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32 for file 'Congrats.txt' """ The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program\Program.py", line 38, in <module> main(args.zip, args.file) File "C:\Users\USER\Documents\Jetbrains\PyCharm\Program\Program.py", line 33, in main pool.starmap(extract_zip, [(zip, line.strip()) for line in txt_file]) File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 276, in starmap return self._map_async(func, iterable, starmapstar, chunksize).get() File "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\multiprocessing\pool.py", line 657, in get raise self._value zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32 for file 'Congrats.txt'
现在with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'r') as zip_file:由于某种未知和奇怪的原因而实施;该程序可以读取/处理较小的单词列表/密码列表/字典,但如果其较大(?),则无法读取/处理。
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'r') as zip_file:
我的意思是说.txt文件存在于zipv1.zip;中。以Congrats.txt文字命名You have cracked the .zip!。还存在相同的.txtzipv2.zip文件,但是这次将其放置在一个名为ZIP Contents然后被压缩/密码保护的文件夹中。密码是dominique两个邮编的。
You have cracked the .zip!
ZIP Contents
现在,密码是Line 35(35/52线)John The Ripper Jr.txt,并Line 1968为John The Ripper.txt(三千一百零六分之一千九百六十八线)。
Line 35
John The Ripper Jr.txt
Line 1968
John The Ripper.txt
现在,如果python Program.py -z zipv1 -f "John The Ripper Jr.txt"您使用CMD(或您选择的IDE)进行操作;它将创建一个名为的文件夹,Extracted并放置Congrats.txt我们之前设置的句子。同样适用,zipv2但Congrats.txt将位于ZIP Contents文件夹内的Extracted文件夹中。在这种情况下,解压缩.zip文件没有问题。
python Program.py -z zipv1 -f "John The Ripper Jr.txt"
但是,如果你尝试同样的事情John The Ripper.txt,即python Program.py -z zipv1 -f "John The Ripper.txt"在你的CMD(或您选择的IDE),它会创建一个Extracted文件夹,无论是拉链的; 就像,John The Ripper Jr.txt但是由于某种未知的原因,这一次对他们俩来说Congrats.txt都是 空 的。
python Program.py -z zipv1 -f "John The Ripper.txt"
import argparse import multiprocessing import zipfile parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Unzips a password protected .zip by performing a brute-force attack.", usage="Program.py -z zip.zip -f file.txt") # Creates -z arg parser.add_argument("-z", "--zip", metavar="", required=True, help="Location and the name of the .zip file.") # Creates -f arg parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", metavar="", required=True, help="Location and the name of the word list/password list/dictionary.") args = parser.parse_args() def extract_zip(zip_filename, password): try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'r') as zip_file: zip_file.extractall('Extracted', pwd=password) print(f"[+] Password for the .zip: {password.decode('utf-8')} \n") except: # If a password fails, it moves to the next password without notifying the user. If all passwords fail, it will print nothing in the command prompt. pass def main(zip, file): if (zip == None) | (file == None): # If the args are not used, it displays how to use them to the user. print(parser.usage) exit(0) # Opens the word list/password list/dictionary in "read binary" mode. txt_file = open(file, "rb") # Allows 8 instances of Python to be ran simultaneously. with multiprocessing.Pool(8) as pool: # "starmap" expands the tuples as 2 separate arguments to fit "extract_zip" pool.starmap(extract_zip, [(zip, line.strip()) for line in txt_file]) if __name__ == '__main__': # Program.py - z zipname.zip -f filename.txt main(args.zip, args.file)
无论是否有不同的单词/密码列表,这种情况都会继续发生。尝试Congrats.txt从不同的单词列表/密码列表/字典生成具有相同但密码不同的更多.zip 。相同的方法;.txt使用了较大和较小的版本,并且获得了与上述相同的结果。
但是 我确实发现,如果我切入前2k个单词John The Ripper.txt并创建一个新的.txt,说John The Ripper v2.txt; .zipExtracted文件成功解压缩,出现文件夹并Congrats.txt在其中显示文本。因此,我认为它与密码输入后的行有关。因此在这种情况下Line 1968; 之后脚本不会停止的地方Line 1968?我不知道为什么会这样。我想这不是解决方案,而是迈向解决方案的一步…
John The Ripper v2.txt
import argparse import multiprocessing import zipfile parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Unzips a password protected .zip by performing a brute-force attack using", usage="Program.py -z zip.zip -f file.txt") # Creates -z arg parser.add_argument("-z", "--zip", metavar="", required=True, help="Location and the name of the .zip file.") # Creates -f arg parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", metavar="", required=True, help="Location and the name of the word list/password list/dictionary.") args = parser.parse_args() def extract_zip(zip_filename, password, queue): try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, "r") as zip_file: zip_file.extractall('Extracted', pwd=password) print(f"[+] Password for the .zip: {password.decode('utf-8')} \n") queue.put("Done") # Signal success except: # If a password fails, it moves to the next password without notifying the user. If all passwords fail, it will print nothing in the command prompt. pass def main(zip, file): if (zip == None) | (file == None): print(parser.usage) # If the args are not used, it displays how to use them to the user. exit(0) # Opens the word list/password list/dictionary in "read binary" mode. txt_file = open(file, "rb") # Create a Queue manager = multiprocessing.Manager() queue = manager.Queue() with multiprocessing.Pool(8) as pool: # Allows 8 instances of Python to be ran simultaneously. pool.starmap_async(extract_zip, [(zip, line.strip(), queue) for line in txt_file]) # "starmap" expands the tuples as 2 separate arguments to fit "extract_zip" pool.close() queue.get(True) # Wait for a process to signal success pool.terminate() # Terminate the pool pool.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main(args.zip, args.file) # Program.py -z zip.zip -f file.txt.
现在,如果我使用此拉链,则两个拉链都将成功提取,就像以前的实例一样。 但是 这次zipv1.zip的 Congrats.txt完好无损;里面有消息。但是关于zipv2.zip它仍然是空的,不能说相同的事情。
总结 :
情况很复杂(我想说,这与 _ M CVE_距离很远),很多原因都可以归咎于这种行为。
从 zipv1.zip / zipv2.zip 不匹配开始。仔细观察,似乎 zipv2 也被弄乱了。如果对于 zipv1来说 很容易发现( Congrats.txt 是唯一的文件),那么对于 zipv2来说 , “ ZIP Contents / Black- Large.png”的 大小 为 0 。 它是可重复使用的任何文件,以及更多: 它适用于1 日进入(这是不是一个目录)由归国 zf.namelist 。
code.py :
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import zipfile def main(): arc_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "./arc0.zip" pwds = [ #b"dominique", #b"dickhead", b"coco", ] pwds = [item.strip() for item in open("orig/John The Ripper.txt.orig", "rb").readlines()] print("Unpacking (password protected: dominique) {:s}," " using a list of predefined passwords ...".format(arc_name)) if not os.path.isfile(arc_name): raise SystemExit("Archive file must exist!\nExiting.") faulty_pwds = list() good_pwds = list() with zipfile.ZipFile(arc_name, "r") as zip_file: print("Zip names: {:}\n".format(zip_file.namelist())) for idx, pwd in enumerate(pwds): try: zip_file.extractall("Extracted", pwd=pwd) except: exc_cls, exc_inst, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() if exc_cls != RuntimeError: print("Exception caught when using password ({:d}): [{:}] ".format(idx, pwd)) print(" {:}: {:}".format(exc_cls, exc_inst)) faulty_pwds.append(pwd) else: print("Success using password ({:d}): [{:}] ".format(idx, pwd)) good_pwds.append(pwd) print("\nFaulty passwords: {:}\nGood passwords: {:}".format(faulty_pwds, good_pwds)) if __name__ == "__main__": print("Python {:s} on {:s}\n".format(sys.version, sys.platform)) main()
输出 :
[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q054532010]> “e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_064_03.06.08_test0\Scripts\python.exe” code.py arc0.zip Python 3.6.8 (tags/v3.6.8:3c6b436a57, Dec 24 2018, 00:16:47) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Unpacking (password protected: dominique) arc0.zip, using a list of predefined passwords … Zip names: [‘DummyFile0.txt’, ‘DummyFile1.txt’, ‘DummyFile2.txt’] Exception caught when using password (1189): [b'mariah'] <class 'zlib.error'>: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set Exception caught when using password (1446): [b’zebra’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type Exception caught when using password (1477): [b‘1977’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type Success using password (1967): [b’dominique’] Exception caught when using password (2122): [b’hank’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set Exception caught when using password (2694): [b’solomon’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance code Exception caught when using password (2768): [b’target’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type Exception caught when using password (2816): [b’trish’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set Exception caught when using password (2989): [b’coco’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid stored block lengths Faulty passwords: [b'mariah', b'zebra', b'1977', b'hank', b'solomon', b’target’, b’trish’, b’coco’] Good passwords: [b’dominique’]
“e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_064_03.06.08_test0\Scripts\python.exe” code.py arc0.zip Python 3.6.8 (tags/v3.6.8:3c6b436a57, Dec 24 2018, 00:16:47) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Unpacking (password protected: dominique) arc0.zip, using a list of
predefined passwords … Zip names: [‘DummyFile0.txt’, ‘DummyFile1.txt’, ‘DummyFile2.txt’]
Exception caught when using password (1189): [b'mariah'] <class 'zlib.error'>: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid
code lengths set Exception caught when using password (1446): [b’zebra’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type Exception caught when using password (1477): [b‘1977’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type Success using password (1967): [b’dominique’] Exception caught when using password (2122): [b’hank’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set Exception caught when using password (2694): [b’solomon’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance code Exception caught when using password (2768): [b’target’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type Exception caught when using password (2816): [b’trish’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set Exception caught when using password (2989): [b’coco’] : Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid stored block lengths
Faulty passwords: [b'mariah', b'zebra', b'1977', b'hank', b'solomon',
b’target’, b’trish’, b’coco’] Good passwords: [b’dominique’]
查看 ZipFile.extractall 代码,它尝试提取所有成员。1号引发了一个异常,因此它开始变得更清楚为什么会如此行事。但是,当尝试使用2个错误的密码提取项目时,为什么会有行为上的差异? 从对2种引发的异常类型的追溯中可以看出,答案就在 ZipFile.open的末尾 。
根据[UT.CS]:dmitri-report-f15-16.pdf- ZIP文件中基于密码的加密(最后一个 重点 是我的意思):
3.1传统的PKWARE加密 最初的加密方案通常称为PKZIP密码,由Roger Schaffely设计[1]。在[5]中,Biham和Kocher证明该密码很弱,并证明了需要13字节明文的攻击。已经开发了进一步的攻击,其中一些攻击根本不需要用户提供纯文本[6]。PKZIP密码本质上是流密码,即通过生成伪随机密钥流并将其与明文进行XOR运算来加密输入。密码的内部状态由三个32位字组成: key0 , key1 和 key2 。这些被初始化为 0×12345678 , 0x23456789 和 0x34567890 , 分别。该算法的核心步骤涉及使用输入的单个字节更新三个键。 … 在加密档案中的文件之前,首先将12个随机字节添加到其压缩内容之前,然后对生成的字节流进行加密。解密时,前12个字节需要丢弃。根据规范,这样做是为了使对数据的纯文本攻击无效。该规范还指出,在12个前置字节中, 只有前11个实际上是随机的,最后一个字节等于文件未压缩内容的CRC-32的高位字节。 通过比较解密的12字节标头的最后一个字节与本地文件标头中包含的实际CRC-32值的高位字节,可以快速验证给定密码是否正确。这可以在解密文件的其余部分之前完成。
最初的加密方案通常称为PKZIP密码,由Roger Schaffely设计[1]。在[5]中,Biham和Kocher证明该密码很弱,并证明了需要13字节明文的攻击。已经开发了进一步的攻击,其中一些攻击根本不需要用户提供纯文本[6]。PKZIP密码本质上是流密码,即通过生成伪随机密钥流并将其与明文进行XOR运算来加密输入。密码的内部状态由三个32位字组成: key0 , key1 和 key2 。这些被初始化为 0×12345678 , 0x23456789 和 0x34567890 , 分别。该算法的核心步骤涉及使用输入的单个字节更新三个键。
在加密档案中的文件之前,首先将12个随机字节添加到其压缩内容之前,然后对生成的字节流进行加密。解密时,前12个字节需要丢弃。根据规范,这样做是为了使对数据的纯文本攻击无效。该规范还指出,在12个前置字节中, 只有前11个实际上是随机的,最后一个字节等于文件未压缩内容的CRC-32的高位字节。 通过比较解密的12字节标头的最后一个字节与本地文件标头中包含的实际CRC-32值的高位字节,可以快速验证给定密码是否正确。这可以在解密文件的其余部分之前完成。
该算法的弱点:由于 仅对一个字节 进行 区分 ,对于 256个 不同(并经过精心选择)的错误密码,将有 一个(至少)密码生成与正确密码相同的数字 。
从上面的输出中可以看到,对于我的( .zip )文件,有 _ 8个_ 密码将其弄乱了。注意:
这是一个基于我的 .zip 文件中数据的测试:
>>> import zipfile >>> >>> zd_coco = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(b"coco") >>> zd_dominique = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(b"dominique") >>> zd_other = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(b"other") >>> cipher = b'\xd1\x86y ^\xd77gRzZ\xee' # Member (1st) file cipher: 12 bytes starting from archive offset 44 >>> >>> crc = 2793719750 # Member (1st) file CRC - archive bytes: 14 - 17 >>> hex(crc) ‘0xa684c7c6’ >>> for zd in (zd_coco, zd_dominique, zd_other): … print(zd, [hex(zd(c)) for c in cipher]) … [‘0x1f’, ‘0x58’, ‘0x89’, ‘0x29’, ‘0x89’, ‘0xe’, ‘0x32’, ‘0xe7’, ‘0x2’, ‘0x31’, ‘0x70’, ‘0xa6’] [‘0xa8’, ‘0x3f’, ‘0xa2’, ‘0x56’, ‘0x4c’, ‘0x37’, ‘0xbb’, ‘0x60’, ‘0xd3’, ‘0x5e’, ‘0x84’, ‘0xa6’] [‘0xeb’, ‘0x64’, ‘0x36’, ‘0xa3’, ‘0xca’, ‘0x46’, ‘0x17’, ‘0x1a’, ‘0xfb’, ‘0x6d’, ‘0x6c’, ‘0x4e’] >>> # As seen, the last element of the first 2 arrays (coco and dominique) is 0xA6 (166), which is the same as the first byte of the CRC
>>> import zipfile >>> >>> zd_coco = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(b"coco") >>> zd_dominique = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(b"dominique") >>> zd_other = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(b"other") >>> cipher = b'\xd1\x86y ^\xd77gRzZ\xee' # Member (1st) file cipher: 12
bytes starting from archive offset 44 >>> >>> crc = 2793719750 # Member (1st) file CRC - archive bytes: 14 - 17 >>> hex(crc) ‘0xa684c7c6’ >>> for zd in (zd_coco, zd_dominique, zd_other): … print(zd, [hex(zd(c)) for c in cipher]) … [‘0x1f’, ‘0x58’, ‘0x89’, ‘0x29’, ‘0x89’, ‘0xe’, ‘0x32’, ‘0xe7’, ‘0x2’, ‘0x31’, ‘0x70’, ‘0xa6’] [‘0xa8’, ‘0x3f’, ‘0xa2’, ‘0x56’, ‘0x4c’, ‘0x37’, ‘0xbb’, ‘0x60’, ‘0xd3’, ‘0x5e’, ‘0x84’, ‘0xa6’] [‘0xeb’, ‘0x64’, ‘0x36’, ‘0xa3’, ‘0xca’, ‘0x46’, ‘0x17’, ‘0x1a’, ‘0xfb’, ‘0x6d’, ‘0x6c’, ‘0x4e’] >>> # As seen, the last element of the first 2 arrays (coco and dominique) is 0xA6 (166), which is the same as the first byte of the CRC
我已经提交了 [GitHub]:python / cpython-[3.6] bpo-36247:zipfile-当 分支 3.6 (仅在 安全修复 模式下 ) 关闭时, 提供的密码错误(zip加密漏洞)时 , 提取截断(现有)文件 )。不知道它的结果是什么(在其他分支中),但是无论如何,它不会很快可用(在接下来的几个月里)。
或者,您可以下载补丁,然后在本地应用更改。检查[[SO]:从鼠标右键单击PyCharm Community Edition中的上下文菜单运行/调试Django应用程序的UnitTests( 修补 utrunner 部分),介绍如何在 Win 上应用修补程序(基本上,每行以 一个“ +” 号开头的行都进入,而每行以 一个“-” 号开头的行都熄灭)。我正在使用 Cygwin , 顺便说一句 。 您可以将 zipfile.py 从 Python 的目录复制到您的项目(或某些“个人”)目录,然后对该文件进行修补, __安装原始。