from decimal import Decimal, getcontext getcontext().prec = 20 import time,random,os,sys from Tkinter import * from tkFileDialog import * import tkFont import os,sys ## decimal is for numbers and arithmatic that use irrational numbers ## Tkinter is the graphical interface for the program ## tkFont is the window that pops up ## os is operating system ## sys is system ## there are 2 different variables for player 1 and player 2 because one variable is a variable for a number, the other creates the rectangle(the actual paddle) ## these are just variables that represent numbers refreshrate=100 do = 1 done=0 ballX=320 ballY=240 playerone=180 py2=180 pause=0 up=0 down=0 root = Tk() root.title("Pong") c = Canvas(root,width=640,height=480,bg='black') c.pack() xc = float(2) yc = float(random.randint(-3,3)) while(yc==0): yc = float(random.randint(-3,3)) ball = c.create_oval(ballX-10,ballY-10,ballX+10,ballY+10,fill='white') player = c.create_rectangle(610,playerone,625,playerone+120,fill='blue') playertwo = c.create_rectangle(15,playerone,30,playerone+120,fill='blue') c.create_rectangle(318,0,322,480,fill='white') c.create_rectangle(318,0,322,30,fill='white') score = 0 escore= 0 lives = 5 font = tkFont.Font(family = "Book Antiqua", size = 15, weight = "bold") ## to change the keys in which you press to control the paddles, change the letter or arrow key between the quotation marks next to str a ## player1 controls def up(event): global playerone, player, py2, playertwo, high, low up = 1 def down(event): global playerone, player, py2, playertwo, high, low down = 1 def escape(event): global do, lives lives = -1 do = 0 root.quit root.quit() def onkeyrelease(event): global up, down, do, lives, pause key = event.keysym if (str(key)=="w"): up = 0 if (str(key)=="s"): down = 0 if (str(key)=="Escape" and done==1): root.quit do = 0 lives = -1 root.quit() if (str(key)=="p"): if(pause==1): pause=0 elif(pause==0): pause=1 def buttoninit(): root.bind("<w>",up) root.bind("<s>",down) root.bind("`",escape) root.bind('<KeyRelease>', onkeyrelease) buttoninit() ## player2 controls def high(event): global playerone, player, py2, playertwo, up, down up = 1 def low(event): global playerone, player, py2, playertwo, up, down down = 1 def leave(event): global do, lives lives = -1 do = 0 root.quit root.quit() def offkeyrelease(event): global up, down, do, lives, pause key = event.keysym if (str(key)=="Up"): up = 0 if (str(key)=="Down"): down = 0 if (str(key)=="Escape" and done==1): root.quit do = 0 lives = -1 root.quit() if (str(key)=="p"): if(pause==1): pause=0 elif(pause==0): pause=1 def buttononit(): root.bind("<Up>",high) root.bind("<Down>",low) root.bind("`",leave) root.bind('<KeyRelease>', offkeyrelease) buttononit() c.create_text(475,10,text='Lives:',fill='white',font=font) livestext = c.create_text(525,10,text=lives,fill='white',font=font) c.create_text(475,25,text='Score:',fill='white',font=font) scoretext = c.create_text(525,25,text=score,fill='white',font=font) print "Push 'p' to pause" var=1 while (do): ## player movement controls if(playerone>0 and up==1 and down!=1 and pause==0): playerone=playerone-5 if(playerone<360 and down==1 and up!=1 and pause==0): playerone=playerone+5 ## player collision detection if(ballX>=605 and ballY+10>=playerone and ballX<=616 and ballY+10>=playerone and ballY-10<=playerone+120): xc*=-1 ballX=605 if(xc>-10): xc=float(xc)-float(0.4) if(yc>0): yc=float(random.randint(15,70)) yc=float(yc)/float(10) else: yc=float(random.randint(-70,-15)) yc=float(yc)/float(10) ## playertwo movement controls if (playertwo>0 and high==1 and low!=1 and pause==0): playertwo=playertwo+5 if (playertwo<360 and low==1 and high!=1 and pause==0): playertwo=playertwo-5 ## playertwo collision detection if(ballX<=40 and ballX>=29 and ballY+py2 and ballY-10<=py2+120): xc*=-1 ballX=40 if(xc<10): xc=float(xc)+float(0.4) if(yc>0): yc=float(random.randint(15,70)) yc=float(yc)/float(10) else: yc=float(random.randint(-70,-15)) yc=float(yc)/float(10) ## left and right bounds collision detection (aka missed paddle) if(ballX>=630 and xc>0): ballX=320 ballY=240 xc = 2 yc = random.randint(-3,3) while(yc==0): yc = random.randint(-3,3) lives = lives-1 escore=escore+1 if(ballX<=10 and xc<0): ballX=320 ballY=240 xc = 2 yc = random.randint(-3,3) while(yc==0): yc = random.randint(-3,3) score=score+1 ## top and bottom bounds colliison detection if(playerone<0): playerone=0 if(playerone>360): playerone=360 if(ballY>=470 or ballY<=10): yc*=-1 ## AI(artificial intelligence(ball)) movement controls if(py2+60<ballY and py2<360 and xc<0 and pause==0): py2=py2+4 if(py2+60>ballY and py2>0 and xc<0 and pause==0): py2=py2-4 if(pause==0): ballX=ballX+xc ballY=ballY+yc c.delete(ball) ball = c.create_oval(ballX-10,ballY-10,ballX+10,ballY+10,fill='white') c.delete(player) player = c.create_rectangle(610,playerone,625,playerone+120,fill='blue') c.delete(playertwo) # to change the game to single player, remove the playerone's in the following line and replace them with py2's # this are the coordinates for the paddle # the first playerone, tracks the position of the thing that the paddle is following # 1#= how wide it is, 2# tracks the other object, 3# the width, 4# how tall the paddle is, 5# the color playertwo = c.create_rectangle(15, playerone ,30, playerone + 120 ,fill='blue') c.delete(livestext) livestext = c.create_text(525,10,text=lives,fill='white',font=font) c.delete(scoretext) scoretext = c.create_text(525,25,text=score,fill='white',font=font) c.update() time.sleep(Decimal("1")/Decimal("100")) if(lives==0): do=0 if(score > 0): print score done = 1 try: c.update() except: print "Error" root.quit while(lives==0): c.update() try: c.update() except: print "Error!!!" root.quit
from tkinter import * from tkinter.font import Font import functools import math import random import time; time.clock = time.perf_counter ################################################################################ class Pong(Canvas): DEFAULTS = dict(width=640, height=480, background='black', highlightthickness=0) @classmethod def main(cls): root = Tk() root.title('Pong') root.resizable(False, False) root.bind_all('<Escape>', lambda event: root.destroy()) game = cls(Font(family='Book Antiqua', size=15, weight='bold'), 5, 100, background='black', width=640, height=480) game.grid() root.mainloop() def __init__(self, font, lives, fps, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): for item in self.DEFAULTS.items(): kw.setdefault(*item) super().__init__(master, cnf, **kw) self.font = font self.p1 = Paddle(lives, 'blue', 10, self.height, 120, 15, 5) self.p2 = Paddle(lives, 'blue', self.width - 10, self.height, 120, 15, 5) self.wait = 1000 // fps self.separator = Box(Point(self.width // 2 - 2, 0), Point(self.width // 2 + 2, self.height)) self.new_rect(self.separator, 'white') self.bind('<p>', self.pause) self.p1.bind(self, 'w', 's') self.p2.bind(self, 'Up', 'Down') self.draw_high = True self.after_idle(self.startup) self.focus_force() def pause(self, event): if not self.running_startup: self.refresh = self.after_cancel(self.refresh) \ if self.refresh else self.after_idle(self.animate) def startup(self, countdown=3, target=None): if target is None: self.running_startup = True self.ball = Ball('white', self.width, self.height, 20) self.refresh = None target = time.clock() + countdown for paddle in self.p1, self.p2: paddle.center() self.draw_all() remaining = math.ceil(target - time.clock()) if remaining: self.new_text(Point(self.width >> 1, self.height >> 1), self.random_color(), str(remaining), CENTER) self.after(self.wait, self.startup, None, target) else: self.running_startup = False self.after_idle(self.animate) @classmethod def random_color(cls): return '#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(*cls.random_bytes(3)) @staticmethod def random_bytes(n): return bytes(random.randrange(1 << 8) for _ in range(n)) def animate(self): self.move_all() if self.in_bounds(): self.draw_all() self.refresh = self.after(self.wait, self.animate) def move_all(self): for obj in self.p1, self.p2, self.ball: obj.move() if obj is not self.ball: obj.bounce(self.ball) def in_bounds(self): if self.boundary.intersects(self.ball.boundary): return True if (self.p2 if self.ball.position.x > 0 else self.p1).kill(): self.after_idle(self.startup) else: self.draw_all() self.after(5000, self.quit) return False def draw_all(self): self.delete('actor') for obj in self.p1, self.p2, self.ball: obj.render(self) self.render_status() def render_status(self, x_margin=4, y_margin=4): self.draw_high = high = (self.ball.position.y > self.height * 0.25) \ if self.draw_high else \ (self.ball.position.y >= self.height * 0.75) if high: self.new_text(self.separator.NW + Point(-x_margin, +y_margin), 'white', self.p1.status, NE) self.new_text(self.separator.NE + Point(+x_margin, +y_margin), 'white', self.p2.status, NW) else: self.new_text(self.separator.SW + Point(-x_margin, -y_margin), 'white', self.p1.status, SE) self.new_text(self.separator.SE + Point(+x_margin, -y_margin), 'white', self.p2.status, SW) def new_rect(self, box, color, tag='static'): self.create_rectangle(box, fill=color, outline=color, tag=tag) def new_oval(self, box, color, tag='static'): self.create_oval(box, fill=color, outline=color, tag=tag) def new_text(self, point, color, text, anchor, tag='actor'): self.create_text(point, fill=color, tag=tag, text=text, anchor=anchor, font=self.font) @property def width(self): return int(self['width']) @property def height(self): return int(self['height']) @property def boundary(self): return Box(Point(0, 0), Point(self.width, self.height)) ################################################################################ def enum(names): return type('enum', (), dict(map(reversed, enumerate( names.replace(',', ' ').split())), __slots__=()))() def copy_sign(x, y): return type(x)(math.copysign(x, y)) ################################################################################ class Paddle: PART = enum('null, upper, center, lower') def __init__(self, lives, color, alignment, board_height, paddle_height, paddle_width, move_by): self.lives = lives self.color = color self.height = board_height self.position = Point(alignment, board_height >> 1) self.size = Point(paddle_width >> 1, paddle_height >> 1) self.move_by = move_by self.score = 0 self.just_bounced = False def kill(self): self.lives -= 1 self.score >>= 1 return self.lives > 0 def center(self): y, middle = self.position.y, self.height >> 1 if y < middle: self.move(down=True) elif y > middle: self.move(up=True) def move(self, *, up=False, down=False): if up or (not down and self.keys.up and self.position.y - self.size.y > 0): self.position -= Point(0, self.move_by) if down or (not up and self.keys.down and self.position.y + self.size.y < self.height): self.position += Point(0, self.move_by) def bounce(self, ball): minimum = self.size.x + ball.radius if self.position.x != ball.position.x and self.overlap(ball, minimum): if not self.just_bounced: self.just_bounced = True self.score += abs(ball.velocity.y) sign = +1 if self.position.x < ball.position.x else -1 if self.collision_area == self.PART.center: ball.position.x = self.position.x + minimum * sign else: ball.position.adjust(self.middle_point, minimum) ball.velocity.x = copy_sign(ball.velocity.x, sign) ball.change_speed() else: self.just_bounced = False def overlap(self, ball, minimum): box = self.boundary if box.intersects(ball.boundary): self.collision_area = self.PART.center elif (self.hi_mid(box) - ball.position).magnitude <= minimum: self.collision_area = self.PART.upper elif (self.lo_mid(box) - ball.position).magnitude <= minimum: self.collision_area = self.PART.lower else: self.collision_area = self.PART.null return self.collision_area def render(self, surface): box = self.boundary surface.new_rect(box, self.color, 'actor') surface.new_oval(Box.from_point(self.hi_mid(box), self.size.x), self.color, 'actor') surface.new_oval(Box.from_point(self.lo_mid(box), self.size.x), self.color, 'actor') def hi_mid(self, boundary): self.middle_point = Point(self.position.x, boundary.a.y) return self.middle_point def lo_mid(self, boundary): self.middle_point = Point(self.position.x, boundary.b.y) return self.middle_point def bind(self, surface, up, down): self.keys = KeyListener(surface, up=up, down=down) @property def boundary(self): return Box.from_point(self.position, self.size) @property def status(self): return 'Lives: {}\nScore: {}'.format(self.lives, self.score) Player = Paddle ################################################################################ class KeyListener: def __init__(self, widget, **kwargs): self.__state = dict.fromkeys(kwargs, False) for name, key in kwargs.items(): widget.bind('<KeyPress-{}>'.format(key), self.__set(name, True)) widget.bind('<KeyRelease-{}>'.format(key), self.__set(name, False)) def __set(self, name, value): def handler(event): self.__state[name] = value return handler def __getattr__(self, name): return self.__state[name] ################################################################################ class Ball: def __init__(self, color, width, height, size): self.color = color self.board = Point(width, height) self.position = self.board / 2 self.radius = size >> 1 self.velocity = Point(1 - 2 * random.randrange(2), 1 - 2 * random.randrange(2)) self.change_speed() def change_speed(self, max_x=10, max_y=10): speed = self.velocity speed.x = copy_sign(random.randint(1, max_x), speed.x) speed.y = copy_sign(random.randint(1, max_y), speed.y) def move(self): self.position += self.velocity self.bounce() def bounce(self): if self.position.y - self.radius < 0: self.position.y = self.radius self.velocity.y = copy_sign(self.velocity.y, +1) self.change_speed() elif self.position.y + self.radius > self.board.y: self.position.y = self.board.y - self.radius self.velocity.y = copy_sign(self.velocity.y, -1) self.change_speed() def render(self, surface): surface.new_oval(self.boundary, self.color, 'actor') @property def boundary(self): return Box.from_point(self.position, self.radius) ################################################################################ def autocast(function): @functools.wraps(function) def cast(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): other = self.__class__(other, other) return function(self, other) return cast ################################################################################ class Point(list): def __init__(self, x, y): super().__init__((x, y)) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(map(repr, self))) @autocast def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y) @autocast def __sub__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y) @autocast def __mul__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x * other.x, self.y * other.y) @autocast def __truediv__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x / other.x, self.y / other.y) @autocast def __floordiv__(self, other): return self.__class__(self.x // other.x, self.y // other.y) @autocast def __iadd__(self, other): self.x += other.x self.y += other.y return self @autocast def __isub__(self, other): self.x -= other.x self.y -= other.y return self def __get_x(self): return self[0] def __set_x(self, value): self[0] = value x = property(__get_x, __set_x) def __get_y(self): return self[1] def __set_y(self, value): self[1] = value y = property(__get_y, __set_y) def __get_magnitude(self): return math.hypot(self.x, self.y) def __set_magnitude(self, value): magnitude = self.magnitude self.x *= value / magnitude self.y *= value / magnitude magnitude = property(__get_magnitude, __set_magnitude) def adjust(self, projected_from, distance): vector = self - projected_from vector.magnitude = distance self.x = round(projected_from.x + vector.x) self.y = round(projected_from.y + vector.y) ################################################################################ class Box(list): @classmethod def from_point(cls, point, extension): return cls(point - extension, point + extension) def __init__(self, a, b): super().__init__((a, b)) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(map(repr, self))) def intersects(self, other): return not (self.a.x > other.b.x or other.a.x > self.b.x or self.a.y > other.b.y or other.a.y > self.b.y) def __get_a(self): return self[0] def __set_a(self, value): self[0] = value a = NW = property(__get_a, __set_a) def __get_b(self): return self[1] def __set_b(self, value): self[1] = value b = SE = property(__get_b, __set_b) @property def NE(self): return Point(self.b.x, self.a.y) @property def SW(self): return Point(self.a.x, self.b.y) ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': Pong.main()
Edit: In designing the scoring system, it did not make sense to have a score and lives. If a player’s score is incremented by one when the opponent looses, scores could be dropped, and the winner would be the person who did not loose all lives. If a player’s score is incremented by one each time the ball is hit, both players will have nearly identical scores throughout the game, and the scores are fairly meaningless.
I chose to increment a player’s score based on an approximation of how difficult the ball was to hit. If the ball happened to have a vertical movement of five and the player hits the ball, then the player’s score is incremented by five. To add further incentive not to loose lives, a player’s score is halved upon loosing a life. That also provides ample opportunity for the other player to catch up in scoring.
As for the weird bouncing, the ball will have a random change in speed each time it hits an object. The reason for this is that if the ball stayed at the same speed and bounced normally, it would be very easy to predict where the ball was going to go, and the game would be too easy. If the player finds no challenge in the game, being bored and invincible would lead to rapid abandonment of the game.
The status display moves to the opposite side of the board when the ball gets close enough so that the status and ball never end up on top of each other, confusing potential players. The change is triggered by the ball’s moving up past 25% screen height or the ball’s moving down past 75% screen height. If there is anything that you feel should be different about the game, please consider learning Python so that you can modify the game yourself.