ProductID, StartDate, Price
ProductId, StartDate, InitialPrice, LatestDate, LatestPrice
WITH latestPrice AS ( SELECT ProductID, StartDate, Price, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PArtition BY ProductID ORDER BY StartDate DESC) rn FROM TableName ) , initalPrice AS ( SELECT ProductID, StartDate, Price, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PArtition BY ProductID ORDER BY StartDate ASC) rn FROM TableName ) SELECT a.ProductID, b.StartDate, b.Price InitalPrice, c.StartDate LatestDate, c.Price LatestPrice FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ProductID FROM tableName) a INNER JOIN initalPrice b ON a.ProductID = b.ProductID AND b.rn = 1 INNER JOIN latestprice c ON a.ProductID = c.ProductID AND c.rn = 1