ID Product Parent_ID 1 laptop Null 2 Camera 1 3 Iphone 1 4 Mouse 2 5 Printer 2 6 Scanner 3 7 HardDisk 3
id parent_id 1 Null 2 1 4 2
WITH RECURSIVE recursiveTable AS ( SELECT id, parent_id FROM table_name WHERE id = 4 -- you can pass an id here to get the output UNION ALL SELECT t.id, t.parent_id FROM table_name t JOIN recursiveTable rt ON t.id = rt.parent_id ) SELECT * FROM recursiveTable
这是一个链接 http://technobytz.com/recursive-query-evaluation- postgresql.html
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_name(param_id INT) RETURNS TABLE ( id INT, parent_id INT ) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY WITH RECURSIVE recursiveTable AS ( SELECT t.id, t.parent_id FROM table_name t WHERE t.id = param_id -- you can pass an id here to get the output UNION ALL SELECT t.id, t.parent_id FROM table_name t JOIN recursiveTable rt ON t.id = rt.parent_id ) SELECT * FROM recursiveTable ; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';