-- Table: person -- DROP TABLE person; CREATE TABLE person ( id integer NOT NULL, name character varying(30), CONSTRAINT person_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE person OWNER TO postgres; -- Table: car -- DROP TABLE car; CREATE TABLE car ( id integer NOT NULL, type character varying(30), personid integer, CONSTRAINT car_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE car OWNER TO postgres; -- Table: wheel -- DROP TABLE wheel; CREATE TABLE wheel ( id integer NOT NULL, whichone character varying(30), serialnumber integer, carid integer, CONSTRAINT "Wheel_PK" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE wheel OWNER TO postgres;
INSERT INTO person(id, name) VALUES (1, 'Johny'), (2, 'Freddy'); INSERT INTO car(id, type, personid) VALUES (1, 'Toyota', 1), (2, 'Fiat', 1), (3, 'Opel', 2); INSERT INTO wheel(id, whichone, serialnumber, carid) VALUES (1, 'front', '11', 1), (2, 'back', '12', 1), (3, 'front', '21', 2), (4, 'back', '22', 2), (5, 'front', '3', 3);
select json_build_object( 'Persons', json_build_object( 'person_name', person.name, 'cars', json_build_object( 'carid', car.id, 'type', car.type, 'comment', 'nice car', -- this is constant 'wheels', json_build_object( 'which', wheel.whichone, 'serial number', wheel.serialnumber ) )) ) from person left join car on car.personid = person.id left join wheel on wheel.carid = car.id
我想我缺少一些group by和json_agg,但是我不确定如何做到这一点。
{ "persons": [ { "person_name": "Johny", "cars": [ { "carid": 1, "type": "Toyota", "comment": "nice car", "wheels": [{ "which": "Front", "serial number": 11 }, { "which": "Back", "serial number": 12 }] }, { "carid": 2, "type": "Fiat", "comment": "nice car", "wheels": [{ "which": "Front", "serial number": 21 },{ "which": "Back", "serial number": 22 }] } ] }, { "person_name": "Freddy", "cars": [ { "carid": 3, "type": "Opel", "comment": "nice car", "wheels": [{ "which": "Front", "serial number": 33 }] }] }] }
select json_build_object( 'persons', json_agg( json_build_object( 'person_name', p.name, 'cars', cars ) ) ) persons from person p left join ( select personid, json_agg( json_build_object( 'carid', c.id, 'type', c.type, 'comment', 'nice car', -- this is constant 'wheels', wheels ) ) cars from car c left join ( select carid, json_agg( json_build_object( 'which', w.whichone, 'serial number', w.serialnumber ) ) wheels from wheel w group by 1 ) w on c.id = w.carid group by personid ) c on p.id = c.personid;
{ "persons": [ { "person_name": "Johny", "cars": [ { "carid": 1, "type": "Toyota", "comment": "nice car", "wheels": [ { "which": "front", "serial number": 11 }, { "which": "back", "serial number": 12 } ] }, { "carid": 2, "type": "Fiat", "comment": "nice car", "wheels": [ { "which": "front", "serial number": 21 }, { "which": "back", "serial number": 22 } ] } ] }, { "person_name": "Freddy", "cars": [ { "carid": 3, "type": "Opel", "comment": "nice car", "wheels": [ { "which": "front", "serial number": 3 } ] } ] } ] }
with wheels as ( select carid, json_agg( json_build_object( 'which', w.whichone, 'serial number', w.serialnumber ) ) wheels from wheel w group by 1 ), cars as ( select personid, json_agg( json_build_object( 'carid', c.id, 'type', c.type, 'comment', 'nice car', -- this is constant 'wheels', wheels ) ) cars from car c left join wheels w on c.id = w.carid group by c.personid ) select json_build_object( 'persons', json_agg( json_build_object( 'person_name', p.name, 'cars', cars ) ) ) persons from person p left join cars c on p.id = c.personid;