Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL中是否有命令告诉脚本停止处理?我有一个我想保留用于存档目的的脚本,但是我不希望任何人运行它。
DECLARE @RunScript bit; SET @RunScript = 0; IF @RunScript != 1 BEGIN RAISERROR ('Raise Error does not stop processing, so we will call GOTO to skip over the script', 1, 1); GOTO Skipper -- This will skip over the script and go to Skipper END PRINT 'This is where your working script can go'; PRINT 'This is where your working script can go'; PRINT 'This is where your working script can go'; PRINT 'This is where your working script can go'; Skipper: -- Don't do nuttin!
警告!上面的示例来自我从美林奥尔德里奇(Merrill Aldrich)获得的示例。在GOTO盲目执行该语句之前,建议您阅读他的有关T-SQL脚本中的流控制的教程。