VERSIONNUMBER - varchar(15) DOWNLOADPATH - varchar(100)
VERSIONNUMBER -------- DOWNLOADPATH 1.1.2 a.com 1.1.3 b.com 2.1.4 c.com 2.1.5 d.com 2.2.1 e.com
我需要获取版本号为2.2.1的记录。需要一些帮助的SQL :)
with a as ( select * from (values ('1.1.2'),('1.1.3'),('2.1.4 '), ('2.1.5'), ('2.2.1') ) as b(c) ) select c, PARSENAME(c,1),PARSENAME(c,2), PARSENAME(c,3) from a order by convert(int,PARSENAME(c,3)), convert(int,PARSENAME(c,2)), convert(int,PARSENAME(c,1))
灵感来自:http : //www.sql-server-helper.com/tips/sort-ip-address.aspx
with a as ( select * from (values ('1.1.2'),('1.1.3'),('2.1.4 '), ('2.1.5'), ('2.2.1') ) as b(c) ), x as ( select c, convert(int,PARSENAME(c,3)) * 100 + convert(int,PARSENAME(c,2)) * 10 + convert(int,PARSENAME(c,1)) * 1 as the_value from a ) select c from x where the_value = (select MAX(the_value) from x)
在软件开发中,通常会找到一个包含两个数字的次要版本号,该版本号与该数字的值没有任何关系,因此版本1.12大于1.5;否则,版本号不大于1.5。为了弥补这一点,您必须适当 填充 数字:
-- Use this, the query above is not future-proof :-) with a as ( select * from (values ('2.1.4 '), ('2.1.12'), ('2.1.5'), ('2.2.1') ) as b(c) ), x as ( select c, convert(int,PARSENAME(c,3)) * 100*100*100 + convert(int,PARSENAME(c,2)) * 100*100 + convert(int,PARSENAME(c,1)) * 100 as the_value from a ) select c, the_value from x order by the_value
2.1.4 2010400 2.1.5 2010500 2.1.12 2011200 2.2.1 2020100
with a as ( select * from (values ('2.1.4 '), ('2.1.12'), ('2.1.5'), ('2.2.1') ) as b(c) ), x as ( select c, convert(int,PARSENAME(c,3)) * 100 + convert(int,PARSENAME(c,2)) * 10 + convert(int,PARSENAME(c,1)) * 1 as the_value from a ) select c, the_value from x order by the_value; -- KorsG's answer has a bug too with a as ( select * from (values ('2.1.4 '), ('2.1.12'), ('2.1.5'), ('2.2.1') ) as b(c) ), x as ( select c, CAST(REPLACE(c, '.', '') AS int) as the_value from a ) select c, the_value from x order by the_value
c the_value 2.1.4 214 2.1.5 215 2.2.1 221 2.1.12 222