这在Microsoft SQL Server的T-SQL上是有效的语法,但在SQLite中则无效,在SQLite中是否有相同的替代语法?
DELETE FROM something FROM something INNER JOIN combinations ON something.field1=combinations.field1 AND something.field2=combinations.field2 --optionally more criteria and/or more joins WHERE combinations.field3=1234 --or anything really, just to show some criteria could be applied here also
DELETE FROM something WHERE id IN (SELECT something.id FROM something JOIN combinations ON something.field1=combinations.field1 AND something.field2=combinations.field2 WHERE combinations.something=1234)
DELETE FROM something WHERE rowid IN (SELECT something.rowid FROM something JOIN combinations ON something.field1=combinations.field1 AND something.field2=combinations.field2 WHERE combinations.something=1234)
如果您有复合主键,并且将该表创建为WITHOUT ROWID表,则必须将联接重写为相关子查询:
DELETE FROM something WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM combinations WHERE field1 = something.field1 AND field2 = something.field2 AND field3 = 1234)