我已经看过其他一些R软件包,但没有找到明显的解决方案。另外,如果您有更好的方法来管理这种过程,我也很想听听它- 请记住,我是一名分析师,而不是计算机科学家。谢谢!
#Creating a cluster library(doSNOW) cl <- makeCluster(c("localhost","localhost"), type = "SOCK") registerDoSNOW(cl) #Connecting to database through RODBC ch=odbcConnect("",pwd = "xxxxx", believeNRows=FALSE) #Test connection odbcGetInfo(ch) #Creating database tables for example purposes qryA1 <- "create table temptable(test int)" qryA2 <- "insert into temptable(test) values((1))" qryA3 <- "select * from temptable" qryA4 <- "drop table temptable" qryB1 <- "create table temptable2(test int)" qryB2 <- "insert into temptable2(test) values((2))" qryB3 <- "select * from temptable2" qryB4 <- "drop table temptable2" sqlQuery(ch, qryA1) sqlQuery(ch, qryA2) doesItWork <- sqlQuery(ch, qryA3) doesItWork sqlQuery(ch, qryB1) sqlQuery(ch, qryB2) doesItWork <- sqlQuery(ch, qryB3) doesItWork result = c() output = c() databases <- list('temptable','temptable2') #Non-parallel version of foreach system.time( foreach(i = 1:2)%do%{ result<-sqlQuery(ch,paste('SELECT * FROM ',databases[i])) output[i] = result } ) output #Parallel version of foreach outputPar = c() system.time( foreach(i = 1:2)%dopar%{ #Connecting to database through RODBC ch=odbcConnect(dsn ,pwd = "xxxxxx", believeNRows=FALSE) #Test connection odbcGetInfo(ch) result<-sqlQuery(ch,paste('SELECT * FROM ',databases[i])) outputPar[i] = result } ) outputPar sqlQuery(ch, qryA4) sqlQuery(ch, qryB4)
当您outputPar[i] = result在串行foreach循环中进行分配时,这是可以的(但实际上不是foreach的预期用途)。当您在并行循环中进行此分配时,这是不正常的。参见http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e10/help/10/04/3237.html,以获取大卫·史密斯(David Smith)在Revolution上回答的类似问题。
outputPar[i] = result
system.time( outputPar <- foreach(i = 1:2, .packages="RODBC")%dopar%{ #Connecting to database through RODBC ch=odbcConnect(dsn ,pwd = "xxxxxx", believeNRows=FALSE) #Test connection odbcGetInfo(ch) result<-sqlQuery(ch,paste('SELECT * FROM ',databases[i])) result } )