ArticleID PropertyID Value --------- ---------- ------------ 1 1 Black 1 2 8 GB 1 3 15" 2 1 White 2 2 8 GB 3 3 13"
我必须根据选择的属性来选择文章。您可以为一个属性选择多个值(例如RAM:4 GB和8 GB),还可以选择多个属性(例如RAM和屏幕大小)。
SELECT ArticleID FROM ArticlesProperties WHERE (PropertyID = 2 AND Value IN ('4 GB', '8 GB')) AND (PropertyID = 3 AND Value IN ('13"'))
SELECT ArticleID FROM ArticlesProperties WHERE PropertyID = 2 AND Value IN ('4 GB', '8 GB') INTERSECT SELECT ArticleID FROM ArticlesProperties WHERE PropertyID = 3 AND Value IN ('13"')
一个解决方案应该可以在SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition上运行,而无需一些附加组件或类似的搜索引擎solr。
存储具有属性选择值(而不是实际选择值)的ID的商品属性。当这些表由SQL Server缓存时,这可以节省磁盘空间和内存。SQL Server将在内存中尽可能多地缓存表,以便更快地为select语句提供服务。
如果文章属性表太大,则SQL Server可能必须做磁盘IO才能执行select语句,这肯定会使语句变慢。
我在下面的代码段中包含了几个这样的索引。根据文章属性表和统计信息中的行数,SQL Server将选择最佳索引以加快查询速度。
如果SQL Server认为查询缺少SQL语句的正确索引,则实际执行计划将显示您缺少索引。优良作法是当查询变慢时,通过检查SQL Server Management Studio中的实际执行计划来分析这些查询。
CREATE TABLE #articles( article_id INT NOT NULL, article_desc VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_articles PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(article_id) ); CREATE TABLE #properties( property_id INT NOT NULL, -- color, size, capacity property_desc VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_properties PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(property_id) ); CREATE TABLE #property_values( property_id INT NOT NULL, property_choice_id INT NOT NULL, -- eg color -> black, white, red property_choice_val VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_property_values PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(property_id,property_choice_id), CONSTRAINT FK_values_to_properties FOREIGN KEY (property_id) REFERENCES #properties(property_id) ); CREATE TABLE #article_properties( article_id INT NOT NULL, property_id INT NOT NULL, property_choice_id INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_article_properties PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(article_id,property_id,property_choice_id), CONSTRAINT FK_ap_to_articles FOREIGN KEY (article_id) REFERENCES #articles(article_id), CONSTRAINT FK_ap_to_property_values FOREIGN KEY (property_id,property_choice_id) REFERENCES #property_values(property_id,property_choice_id) ); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_article_properties ON #article_properties(property_id,property_choice_id) INCLUDE(article_id); INSERT INTO #properties(property_id,property_desc)VALUES (1,'color'),(2,'capacity'),(3,'size'); INSERT INTO #property_values(property_id,property_choice_id,property_choice_val)VALUES (1,1,'black'),(1,2,'white'),(1,3,'red'), (2,1,'4 Gb') ,(2,2,'8 Gb') ,(2,3,'16 Gb'), (3,1,'13"') ,(3,2,'15"') ,(3,3,'17"'); INSERT INTO #articles(article_id,article_desc)VALUES (1,'First article'),(2,'Second article'),(3,'Third article'); -- the table you have in your question, slightly modified INSERT INTO #article_properties(article_id,property_id,property_choice_id)VALUES (1,1,1),(1,2,2),(1,3,2), -- article 1: color=black, capacity=8gb, size=15" (2,1,2),(2,2,2),(2,3,1), -- article 2: color=white, capacity=8Gb, size=13" (3,1,3), (3,3,3); -- article 3: color=red, size=17" -- The table with the criteria you are selecting on CREATE TABLE #select_properties( property_id INT NOT NULL, property_choice_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_select_properties PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(property_id,property_choice_id) ); INSERT INTO #select_properties(property_id,property_choice_id)VALUES (2,1),(2,2),(3,1); -- looking for '4Gb' or '8Gb', and size 13" ;WITH aid AS ( SELECT ap.article_id FROM #select_properties AS sp INNER JOIN #article_properties AS ap ON ap.property_id=sp.property_id AND ap.property_choice_id=sp.property_choice_id GROUP BY ap.article_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ap.property_id)=(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT property_id) FROM #select_properties) -- criteria met when article has a number of properties matching, equal to the distinct number of properties in the selection set ) SELECT a.article_id,a.article_desc FROM aid INNER JOIN #articles AS a ON a.article_id=aid.article_id ORDER BY a.article_id; -- result is the 'Second article' with id 2 DROP TABLE #select_properties; DROP TABLE #article_properties; DROP TABLE #property_values; DROP TABLE #properties; DROP TABLE #articles;