select tt.threshold_id from (select sum(amount) over (partition by tt.threshold_type order by tt.threshold_type ) amt from cash_transactions) cash, thresholds tt where tt.threshold_amount < cash.amt
" ORA-00904: "TT"."THRESHOLD_TYPE": invalid identifier"
Threshold_id Threshold_type Threshold_amount ============================================================ threshold_1 p_id 450 threshold_2 p_id,to_acc_main_num 100
Tran_inst_id p_id amount to_acc_main_num ================================================= 1 E1 100 123 2 E2 200 5765 3 E1 200 687 4 E2 300 890 5 E1 100 462
Threshold_id Threshold_type Threshold_amount ============================================================ threshold_1 p_id 100000
Tran_inst_id p_id sum(amount) ====================================== 1 E1 400 2 E2 500 3 E1 400 4 E2 500 5 E1 400
1.现在,将以上每个记录的数量与threshold_1记录的数量进行比较。2.因此,将threshold_1的450 threshold_amount与所有上述记录3.进行比较,因此所需的输出将是
theshold_id Tran_inst_id ================================== thresold_1 2 threshold_1 4 - the above result is for first record of threshold table ,now the same continues for the second record.
只有在动态sql中才有可能,因为group by子句中的列数是可变的。例如带有一个函数:
create or replace function sum_cash_transactions ( p_threshold_type varchar2) return number is v_result NUMBER; begin execute immediate ' select max( sum_amount) from( select sum(amount) as sum_amount from cash_transactions group by ' || p_threshold_type || ' )' into v_result; return v_result; end; /
select threshold_id from thresholds where threshold_amount < sum_cash_transactions(threshold_type);
CREATE OR REPLACE package pkg AS TYPE res_rec_type IS RECORD ( threshold_id VARCHAR2(200) , Tran_inst_id NUMBER(10,0) , sum_amount NUMBER(22) ); TYPE res_tab_type IS TABLE of res_rec_type; FUNCTION f1 RETURN res_tab_type PIPELINED; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pkg AS FUNCTION f1 RETURN res_tab_type PIPELINED IS CUR SYS_REFCURSOR; v_rec res_rec_type; BEGIN FOR treshold in ( SELECT Threshold_id, Threshold_type, Threshold_amount FROM thresholds) LOOP OPEN CUR FOR 'SELECT ' || threshold.Threshold_id || ', tTran_inst_id, s FROM (SELECT tTran_inst_id, SUM(AMOUNT) OVER (PARTITION BY ' || p_Threshold_type || ') as s from cash_transactions ) WHERE s > ' || treshold.Threshold_amount ; LOOP FETCH cur INTO v_rec; EXIT WHEN cur%NOTFOUND; pipe row(v_rec); END LOOP; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; RETURN; END; END; / SELECT * form table(pkg.f1);