select x.cardcode, x.customer, case when x.rep is null then (select slpname from ocrd inner join oslp on ocrd.slpcode = oslp.slpcode where ocrd.cardcode = x.cardcode) else x.rep end as rep, x.city, x.state, x.country, case when isnumeric(x.total) = 0 then 0 else x.total end as [net total], x.docdate from ( select t0.cardcode as cardcode, t0.[cardname] as customer, t1.city as city, t1.state as state, t1.country as country, t4.slpname as rep, sum(t3.linetotal) - t2.discsum as total, t2.docdate as [docdate] from ocrd t0 inner join crd1 t1 on (t0.cardcode = t1.cardcode and t0.shiptodef = t1.address) left outer join oinv t2 on t0.cardcode = t2.cardcode left outer join inv1 t3 on t2.docentry = t3.docentry left outer join oslp t4 on t2.slpcode = t4.slpcode where t0.[cardtype] = 'C' and t1.adrestype = 'S' group by t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t1.city, t1.state, t1.country, t4.slpname, t2.discsum, t2.docdate union all select t0.cardcode as cardcode, t0.cardname as customer, t1.city as city, t1.state as state, t1.country as country, t4.slpname as rep, -1*(sum(t3.linetotal) - t2.discsum) as total, t2.docdate from ocrd t0 inner join crd1 t1 on (t0.cardcode = t1.cardcode and t0.shiptodef = t1.address) left outer join orin t2 on t0.cardcode = t2.cardcode left outer join rin1 t3 on t2.docentry = t3.docentry left outer join oslp t4 on t2.slpcode = t4.slpcode where t0.[cardtype] = 'C' and t1.adrestype = 'S' group by t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t1.city, t1.state, t1.country, t4.slpname, t2.discsum, t2.docdate) x where (x.docdate between '2008/01/01' and dateadd(day, -1, '2008/' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/01') or x.docdate between '2009/01/01' and dateadd(day, -1, '2009/' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/01') or x.docdate between '2010/01/01' and dateadd(day, -1, '2010/' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/01')) group by x.cardcode, x.customer, x.rep, x.city, x.state, x.country, x.total, x.docdate
现在,我想修改查询以返回每年客户净额的前n个,例如20%。这是我遇到麻烦的地方。我正在使用SQL Server,所以首先我想我会尝试使用row_number()over(partition .... )。这是我的第一次尝试:
select m.Cardcode, m.Customer, m.Rep, m.City, m.State, m.Country, m.Nettotal as 'Net Total', m.docdate as 'Posting Date' from ( select t.cardcode, t.customer, t.rep, t.city, t.state, t.country, t.nettotal, t.docdate, row_number() over(partition by t.docdate order by t.nettotal desc) as rownum from ( select x.cardcode, x.customer, case when x.rep is null then (select slpname from ocrd inner join oslp on ocrd.slpcode = oslp.slpcode where ocrd.cardcode = x.cardcode) else x.rep end as rep, x.city, x.state, x.country, case when isnumeric(x.total) = 0 then 0 else x.total end as nettotal, x.docdate from ( select t0.cardcode as cardcode, t0.[cardname] as customer, t1.city as city, t1.state as state, t1.country as country, t4.slpname as rep, sum(t3.linetotal) - t2.discsum as total, t2.docdate as docdate from ocrd t0 inner join crd1 t1 on (t0.cardcode = t1.cardcode and t0.shiptodef = t1.address) left outer join oinv t2 on t0.cardcode = t2.cardcode left outer join inv1 t3 on t2.docentry = t3.docentry left outer join oslp t4 on t2.slpcode = t4.slpcode where t0.[cardtype] = 'C' and t1.adrestype = 'S' group by t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t1.city, t1.state, t1.country, t4.slpname, t2.discsum, t2.docdate union all select t0.cardcode as cardcode, t0.cardname as customer, t1.city as city, t1.country as country, t1.state as state, t4.slpname as rep, -1*(sum(t3.linetotal) - t2.discsum) as total, t2.docdate from ocrd t0 inner join crd1 t1 on (t0.cardcode = t1.cardcode and t0.shiptodef = t1.address) left outer join orin t2 on t0.cardcode = t2.cardcode left outer join rin1 t3 on t2.docentry = t3.docentry left outer join oslp t4 on t2.slpcode = t4.slpcode where t0.[cardtype] = 'C' and t1.adrestype = 'S' group by t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t1.city, t1.state, t1.country, t4.slpname, t2.discsum, t2.docdate) x where (x.docdate between '2008/01/01' and dateadd(day, -1, '2008/' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/01') or x.docdate between '2009/01/01' and dateadd(day, -1, '2009/' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/01') or x.docdate between '2010/01/01' and dateadd(day, -1, '2010/' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/01')) group by x.cardcode, x.customer, x.rep, x.city, x.state, x.country, x.total, x.docdate) as t ) as m where rownum <= 20
您可以在SQL Server中使用一种排名功能-但不能,ROW_NUMBER()但是可以使用NTILE()。
WITH CustomerPerYear AS ( SELECT c.Name, s.Sales, NTILE(5) OVER (PARTITION BY c.CustomerID ORDER BY s.Amount DESC) as 'NTile' FROM dbo.Customer c INNER JOIN dbo.Sales s ON s.CustomerID = c.CustomerID ) SELECT * FROM CustomerPerYear WHERE NTile = 1
因此,基本上,您是按客户划分数据,然后将每个客户的销售按销售量排序为5个NTile组。对于每个客户,NTILE = 1是销售额的前20%。