*my table: tblFirst250 *group by: IU = 1 (which is Nullable) *percentile of: GM (which is Nullable)
select T.groupField, 0.75*(select max(myField) from myTable where myTable.myField in (select top 25 percent myField from myTable where myTable.groupField = T.groupField order by myField)) + 0.25*(select min(myField) from myTable where myTable.myField in (select top 75 percent myField from myTable where myTable.groupField = T.groupField order by myField desc)) AS 25Percentile from myTable AS T group by T.groupField
直接从此处获取:http : //blogannath.blogspot.com/2010/03/microsoft-access-tips-tricks- statistics.html#ixzz3dEf9ZJSq
SELECT T.IU, 0.75*(SELECT Max(GM) FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.GM IN (SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT GM FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.IU = 1 AND GM Is Not Null ORDER BY GM)) + 0.25* (SELECT Min(GM) FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.GM IN (SELECT TOP 75 PERCENT GM FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.IU = 1 AND GM Is Not Null ORDER BY GM desc)) AS 25Percentile FROM tblFirst250 AS T GROUP BY T.IU;
产生:IU,1; 25%-0.706278906030414,-0.706278906030414
SELECT T.IU, 0.75*(SELECT Max(GM) FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.GM IN (SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT GM FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.IU = 1 AND GM Is Not Null ORDER BY GM)) + 0.25*(SELECT Min(GM) FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.GM IN (SELECT TOP 75 PERCENT GM FROM tblFirst250 WHERE tblFirst250.IU = 1 AND GM Is Not Null ORDER BY GM DESC)) AS 25Percentile FROM tblFirst250 AS T WHERE T.IU = 1 GROUP BY T.IU;