控制范围是对向指定经理报告的员工人数的计数。直接和间接报告计数应分为自己的总数。还需要其他计数,包括组织中直接和间接报告的许多职位空缺。经理是指有其他职位要向其报告的职位。需要从顶部到树中任何位置的报告路径,以 使 结构 扁平 化。
我已经看到此问题经常出现在人力资源报告和数据仓库项目中。我只能在Oracle中解决它。可以使用与其他数据库(例如SQL Server或PostgreSQL)兼容的(ANSI)SQL编写此报告吗?
Level 1 1:3 | ----------------+----------------------------------- | | | | Level 2 2:1 13: 10:12 4:2 | | ---------+---------- ----------+---------- | | | | | | Level 3 12:10 3: 3: 5:10-1 11:11 6: | | | ---+--- ------------+------------ | | | | | | | | | Level 4 7:4 7:9 8:5 8:7 8:6 8: 8: 9:8
POSITION_ID POSITION_DESCR REPORTSTO_POSITION_ID EMPLOYEE_ID MULTI_JOB_SEQUENCE EMPLOYEE_NAME TREE_LEVEL_NUM IS_MANAGER MAX_INCUMBENTS FILLED_HEAD_COUNT VACANT_HEAD_COUNT FILLED_DIRECT_REPORTS VACANT_DIRECT_REPORTS FILLED_INDIRECT_REPORTS VACANT_INDIRECT_REPORTS EMPLOYEES_UNDER_POSITION VACANCIES_UNDER_POSITION REPORTING_PATH_POSITION_ID REPORTING_PATH_POSITION_DESCR REPORTING_PATH_EMPLOYEE REPORTING_PATH_EMPLOYEE_NAME 1 CEO NULL 3 0 Jill 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 9 5 12 6 1 CEO 3 Jill 2 Senior Manager 1 1 0 Tom 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 3 2 1>2 CEO>Senior Manager 3>1 Jill>Tom 3 West Winger 2 NULL NULL NULL 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>2>3 CEO>Senior Manager>West Winger 3>1>(vacant) Jill>Tom>(vacant) 4 Executive Assistant 1 2 0 Doug 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>4 CEO>Executive Assistant 3>2 Jill>Doug 5 Supervisor South 10 10 1 Frank 3 1 1 1 0 3 2 0 0 3 2 1>10>5 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor South 3>12>10-1 Jill>Fred>Frank 6 Supervisor East 10 NULL NULL NULL 3 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1>10>6 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor East 3>12>(vacant) Jill>Fred>(vacant) 7 Expert 12 4 0 Olivia 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>2>12>7 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor West>Expert 3>1>10>4 Jill>Tom>Frank>Olivia 7 Expert 12 9 0 David 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>2>12>7 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor West>Expert 3>1>10>9 Jill>Tom>Frank>David 8 Minion 5 5 0 Carol 4 0 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>10>5>8 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor South>Minion 3>12>10-1>5 Jill>Fred>Frank>Carol 8 Minion 5 6 0 Mary 4 0 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>10>5>8 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor South>Minion 3>12>10-1>6 Jill>Fred>Frank>Mary 8 Minion 5 7 0 Michael 4 0 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>10>5>8 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor South>Minion 3>12>10-1>7 Jill>Fred>Frank>Michael 9 Administrator 6 8 0 Nigel 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>10>6>9 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor East>Administrator 3>12>(vacant)>8 Jill>Fred>(vacant)>Nigel 10 Senior Manager 1 12 0 Fred 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 4 2 6 3 1>10 CEO>Senior Manager 3>12 Jill>Fred 11 Supervisor South 10 11 0 Wilson 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>10>11 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor South 3>12>11 Jill>Fred>Wilson 12 Supervisor West 2 10 0 Frank 3 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1>2>12 CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor West 3>1>10 Jill>Tom>Frank 13 Executive Mid-West 1 NULL NULL NULL 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1>13 CEO>Executive Mid-West 3>(vacant) Jill>(vacant)
CEO>Senior Manager>Supervisor South>Minion
位置 表
position_id descr reportsto_position_id max_incumbents 1 CEO NULL 1 2 Senior Manager 1 1 3 West Winger 2 2 4 Executive Assistant 1 1 5 Supervisor South 10 1 6 Supervisor East 10 1 7 Expert 12 2 8 Minion 5 5 9 Administrator 6 1 10 Senior Manager 1 1 11 Supervisor South 10 1 12 Supervisor West 2 1 13 Executive Mid-West 1 1
工作 表
employee_id multi_job_sequence employee_name position_id 1 0 Tom 2 2 0 Doug 4 3 0 Jill 1 4 0 Olivia 7 5 0 Carol 8 6 0 Mary 8 7 0 Michael 8 8 0 Nigel 9 9 0 David 7 10 0 Frank 12 10 1 Frank 5 11 0 Wilson 11 12 0 Fred 10
-- Position incumbents. One row for each position, employee_id, multi_job_sequence combination. with cte_incumbents as ( select cp.position_id, cp.reportsto_position_id, cp.max_incumbents, cj.employee_id, cj.multi_job_sequence from position cp left join job cj on cj.position_id = cp.position_id ), -- Incumbents count (filled and vacant) per position cte_incumbents_count as ( select i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, count(to_char(i.employee_id) || '-' || to_char(i.multi_job_sequence)) as filled_count, (i.max_incumbents - count(to_char(i.employee_id) || '-' || to_char(i.multi_job_sequence))) as vacant_count, i.max_incumbents from cte_incumbents i where i.employee_id is not null group by i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, i.max_incumbents UNION ALL select i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, 0 as filled_count, (count(*) * i.max_incumbents) as vacant_count, i.max_incumbents from cte_incumbents i where i.employee_id is null group by i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, i.max_incumbents ), -- Count the filled and vacant reports_to positions cte_reportsto_count as ( select i.reportsto_position_id, sum(i.filled_count) as filled_count, sum(i.vacant_count) as vacant_count, sum(i.max_incumbents) as total_incumbents from cte_incumbents_count i group by i.reportsto_position_id ), -- Create the organisation tree, based on the reportsto_position_id cte_reportsto_tree as ( select rtt.position_id, rtt.employee_id, rtt.multi_job_sequence, rtt.position_descr, rtt.reportsto_position_id, rtt.employee_name, level as tree_level_num, case when connect_by_isleaf = 0 then 1 else 0 end as is_manager, rtt.max_incumbents, nvl(( select rtc.filled_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = rtt.position_id ),0) as filled_direct_reports, nvl(( select rtc.vacant_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = rtt.position_id ),0) as vacant_direct_reports, substr(sys_connect_by_path(rtt.position_id,'>'),2,length(sys_connect_by_path(rtt.position_id,'>'))-1) as reporting_path_position_id, substr(sys_connect_by_path(rtt.position_descr,'>'),2,length(sys_connect_by_path(rtt.position_descr,'>'))-1) as reporting_path_position_descr, substr(sys_connect_by_path(nvl(case when rtt.employee_id is null then null else case when rtt.multi_job_sequence = 0 then to_char(rtt.employee_id) else rtt.employee_id || '-' || rtt.multi_job_sequence end end,'(vacant)'),'>'),2,length(sys_connect_by_path(nvl(case when rtt.employee_id is null then null else rtt.employee_id || '-' || rtt.multi_job_sequence end,'(vacant)'),'>'))-1) as reporting_path_employee, substr(sys_connect_by_path(nvl(rtt.employee_name,'(vacant)'),'>'),2,length(sys_connect_by_path(nvl(rtt.employee_name,'(vacant)'),'>'))-1) as reporting_path_name from ( select cp.position_id, cp.descr as position_descr, cp.max_incumbents, cp.reportsto_position_id, cj.employee_id, cj.multi_job_sequence, cj.employee_name from position cp left join job cj on cj.position_id = cp.position_id -- Positions may not be filled ) rtt connect by prior rtt.position_id = rtt.reportsto_position_id start with rtt.reportsto_position_id is null -- Start at the top of the tree ), -- Create the report detail, traversing the tree (creating subtrees to get the indirect values). This is the tough part! cte_report_detail as ( select soc.position_id, soc.position_descr, soc.reportsto_position_id, soc.employee_id, soc.multi_job_sequence, soc.employee_name, soc.tree_level_num, soc.is_manager, soc.max_incumbents, nvl( ( select ic.filled_count from cte_incumbents_count ic where ic.position_id = soc.position_id ),0) as filled_head_count, nvl( ( select ic.vacant_count from cte_incumbents_count ic where ic.position_id = soc.position_id ),0) as vacant_head_count, soc.filled_direct_reports as filled_direct_reports, soc.vacant_direct_reports as vacant_direct_reports, case when soc.is_manager = 1 then -- Get the filled count of all of the positions underneath and subtract the direct reports to arrive at the filled indirect reports count ( select sum( ( select rtc.filled_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = cp.position_id ) ) from position cp connect by prior cp.position_id = cp.reportsto_position_id start with cp.position_id = soc.position_id ) - soc.filled_direct_reports else 0 end as filled_indirect_reports, -- Get the vacant count of all of the positions underneath and subtract the direct reports to arrive at the vacant indirect reports count case when soc.is_manager = 1 then ( select sum( ( select rtc.vacant_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = cp.position_id ) ) from position cp connect by prior cp.position_id = cp.reportsto_position_id start with cp.position_id = soc.position_id ) - soc.vacant_direct_reports else 0 end as vacant_indirect_reports, to_clob(cast(soc.reporting_path_position_id as varchar2(4000))) as reporting_path_position_id, to_clob(cast(soc.reporting_path_position_descr as varchar2(4000))) as reporting_path_position_descr, to_clob(cast(soc.reporting_path_employee as varchar2(4000))) as reporting_path_employee, to_clob(cast(soc.reporting_path_name as varchar2(4000))) as reporting_path_employee_name from cte_reportsto_tree soc ) -- Final calculations and sort select r.position_id, r.position_descr, r.reportsto_position_id, r.employee_id, r.multi_job_sequence, r.employee_name, r.tree_level_num, r.is_manager, r.max_incumbents, r.filled_head_count, r.vacant_head_count, r.filled_direct_reports, r.vacant_direct_reports, r.filled_indirect_reports, r.vacant_indirect_reports, (r.filled_direct_reports + r.filled_indirect_reports) as employees_under_position, (r.vacant_direct_reports + r.vacant_indirect_reports) as vacancies_under_position, r.reporting_path_position_id, r.reporting_path_position_descr, r.reporting_path_employee, r.reporting_path_employee_name from cte_report_detail r order by r.position_id, r.employee_id, r.multi_job_sequence;
SQL Fiddle示例
在这种情况下,递归CTE功能可在Oracle中使用,但有一些限制。另一个数据库将需要支持DEPTH FIRST搜索递归以及分析功能。从理论上讲,此代码可以通过对语法进行小的更改来移植。
ORA-01702: a view is not appropriate here
SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY reportsto_position_id SET seq
-- Create a table for each current position. create table position ( position_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL, descr VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, reportsto_position_id NUMBER(11), max_incumbents NUMBER(4) NOT NULL ); create unique index position_idx1 on position (position_id); -- Create a table to store the current job data. create table job ( employee_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL, multi_job_sequence NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, employee_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, position_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL ); create unique index job_idx1 on job (employee_id, multi_job_sequence); create index job_idx2 on job (position_id, employee_id, multi_job_sequence); -- Insert data into position table insert into position values (1, 'CEO', NULL, 1); insert into position values (2, 'Senior Manager', 1, 1); insert into position values (3, 'West Winger', 2, 2); insert into position values (4, 'Executive Assistant', 1, 1); insert into position values (5, 'Supervisor South', 10, 1); insert into position values (6, 'Supervisor East', 10, 1); insert into position values (7, 'Expert', 12, 2); insert into position values (8, 'Minion', 5, 5); insert into position values (9, 'Administrator', 6, 1); insert into position values (10, 'Senior Manager', 1, 1); insert into position values (11, 'Supervisor South', 10, 1); insert into position values (12, 'Supervisor West', 2, 1); insert into position values (13, 'Executive Mid-West', 1, 1); commit; -- Insert data into job table insert into job values (1, 0, 'Tom', 2); insert into job values (2, 0, 'Doug', 4); insert into job values (3, 0, 'Jill', 1); insert into job values (4, 0, 'Olivia', 7); insert into job values (5, 0, 'Carol', 8); insert into job values (6, 0, 'Mary', 8); insert into job values (7, 0, 'Michael', 8); insert into job values (8, 0, 'Nigel', 9); insert into job values (9, 0, 'David', 7); insert into job values (10, 0, 'Frank', 12); insert into job values (10, 1, 'Frank', 5); insert into job values (11, 0, 'Wilson', 11); insert into job values (12, 0, 'Fred', 10); commit; -- Build up the tables -- Position incumbents. One row for each position, employee_id, multi_job_sequence combination. create table cte_incumbents as ( select cp.position_id, cp.reportsto_position_id, cp.max_incumbents, cj.employee_id, cj.multi_job_sequence from position cp left join job cj on cj.position_id = cp.position_id ); create unique index cte_incumbents_idx1 on cte_incumbents (position_id, employee_id, multi_job_sequence); create index cte_incumbents_idx2 on cte_incumbents (position_id, reportsto_position_id); -- Incumbents count (filled and vacant) per position create table cte_incumbents_count as ( select i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, count(to_char(i.employee_id) || '-' || to_char(i.multi_job_sequence)) as filled_count, (i.max_incumbents - count(to_char(i.employee_id) || '-' || to_char(i.multi_job_sequence))) as vacant_count, i.max_incumbents from cte_incumbents i where i.employee_id is not null group by i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, i.max_incumbents UNION ALL select i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, 0 as filled_count, (count(*) * i.max_incumbents) as vacant_count, i.max_incumbents from cte_incumbents i where i.employee_id is null group by i.reportsto_position_id, i.position_id, i.max_incumbents ); create unique index cte_incumbents_count_idx on cte_incumbents_count (reportsto_position_id, position_id); -- Count the filled and vacant reports_to positions create table cte_reportsto_count as ( select i.reportsto_position_id, sum(i.filled_count) as filled_count, sum(i.vacant_count) as vacant_count, sum(i.max_incumbents) as total_incumbents from cte_incumbents_count i group by i.reportsto_position_id ); create unique index cte_reportsto_count_idx on cte_reportsto_count (reportsto_position_id);
create table cte_reportsto_tree as -- Create the organisation tree, based on the reportsto_position_id with cte_reportsto_tree_base ( position_id, position_descr, reportsto_position_id, employee_id, multi_job_sequence, employee_name, tree_level_num, max_incumbents, filled_direct_reports, vacant_direct_reports, reporting_path_position_id, reporting_path_position_descr, reporting_path_employee, reporting_path_employee_name ) as ( -- Anchor member select cp1.position_id, cp1.descr as position_descr, cp1.reportsto_position_id, cj1.employee_id, cj1.multi_job_sequence, cj1.employee_name, 1 as tree_level_num, cp1.max_incumbents, nvl(( select rtc.filled_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = cp1.position_id ),0) as filled_direct_reports, nvl(( select rtc.vacant_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = cp1.position_id ),0) as vacant_direct_reports, to_char(cp1.position_id) as reporting_path_position_id, cp1.descr as reporting_path_position_descr, to_char(cj1.employee_id) as reporting_path_employee, cj1.employee_name as reporting_path_employee_name from position cp1 left join job cj1 on cj1.position_id = cp1.position_id -- Positions may not be filled where cp1.position_id = 1 -- start at position = 1 UNION ALL -- Recursive member select cp2.position_id, cp2.descr as position_descr, cp2.reportsto_position_id, cj2.employee_id, cj2.multi_job_sequence, cj2.employee_name, rtt.tree_level_num + 1 as tree_level_num, cp2.max_incumbents, nvl(( select rtc.filled_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = cp2.position_id ),0) as filled_direct_reports, nvl(( select rtc.vacant_count from cte_reportsto_count rtc where rtc.reportsto_position_id = cp2.position_id ),0) as vacant_direct_reports, rtt.reporting_path_position_id || '>' || to_char(cp2.position_id) as reporting_path_position_id, rtt.reporting_path_position_descr || '>' || cp2.descr as reporting_path_position_descr, rtt.reporting_path_employee || '>' || nvl(case when cj2.employee_id is null then null else case when cj2.multi_job_sequence = 0 then to_char(cj2.employee_id) else to_char(cj2.employee_id) || '-' || to_char(cj2.multi_job_sequence) end end,'(vacant)') as reporting_path_employee, rtt.reporting_path_employee_name || '>' || nvl(cj2.employee_name,'(vacant)') as reporting_path_employee_name from position cp2 inner join cte_reportsto_tree_base rtt on rtt.position_id = cp2.reportsto_position_id left join job cj2 on cj2.position_id = cp2.position_id -- Positions may not be filled ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY reportsto_position_id SET seq select rtt.position_id, rtt.position_descr, rtt.reportsto_position_id, rtt.employee_id, rtt.multi_job_sequence, rtt.employee_name, rtt.tree_level_num, rtt.max_incumbents, rtt.filled_direct_reports, rtt.vacant_direct_reports, rtt.reporting_path_position_id, rtt.reporting_path_position_descr, rtt.reporting_path_employee, rtt.reporting_path_employee_name, case when (rtt.tree_level_num - lead(rtt.tree_level_num) over (order by seq)) < 0 then 1 else 0 end is_manager -- Is a manager if there is a difference between levels on the tree. from cte_reportsto_tree_base rtt; create index cte_reportsto_tree_idx on cte_reportsto_tree (position_id, reportsto_position_id, employee_id, multi_job_sequence); create table cte_fir as ( select soc.position_id, soc.is_manager, soc.tree_level_num, soc.filled_direct_reports, soc.vacant_direct_reports, case when soc.is_manager = 1 then nvl(( select sum(ind.filled_direct_reports) from cte_reportsto_tree ind where ind.tree_level_num > soc.tree_level_num -- Must be at a lower level ),0) else 0 end as filled_indirect_reports, case when soc.is_manager = 1 then nvl(( select sum(ind.vacant_direct_reports) from cte_reportsto_tree ind where ind.tree_level_num > soc.tree_level_num -- Must be at a lower level ),0) else 0 end as vacant_indirect_reports from cte_reportsto_tree soc where soc.tree_level_num = 1 UNION ALL select soc.position_id, soc.is_manager, soc.tree_level_num, soc.filled_direct_reports, soc.vacant_direct_reports, case when soc.is_manager = 1 then nvl(( select sum(ind.filled_direct_reports) from cte_reportsto_tree ind where ind.tree_level_num > soc.tree_level_num -- Must be at a lower level and instr(ind.reporting_path_position_id, '>'|| soc.position_id || '>') > 0 -- The position must be in the flattened tree path (quick way of traversing the tree) ),0) else 0 end as filled_indirect_reports, case when soc.is_manager = 1 then nvl(( select sum(ind.vacant_direct_reports) from cte_reportsto_tree ind where ind.tree_level_num > soc.tree_level_num -- Must be at a lower level and instr(ind.reporting_path_position_id, '>'|| soc.position_id ||'>') > 0 -- The position must be in the flattened tree path (quick way of traversing the tree) ),0) else 0 end as vacant_indirect_reports from cte_reportsto_tree soc where soc.tree_level_num > 1 ); create index cte_fir_idx on cte_fir (position_id); select soc.position_id, soc.position_descr, soc.reportsto_position_id, soc.employee_id, soc.multi_job_sequence, soc.employee_name, soc.tree_level_num, soc.is_manager, soc.max_incumbents, nvl( ( select ic.filled_count from cte_incumbents_count ic where ic.position_id = soc.position_id ),0) as filled_head_count, nvl( ( select ic.vacant_count from cte_incumbents_count ic where ic.position_id = soc.position_id ),0) as vacant_head_count, soc.filled_direct_reports as filled_direct_reports, soc.vacant_direct_reports as vacant_direct_reports, ( select sum(fir.filled_indirect_reports) from cte_fir fir where fir.position_id = soc.position_id ) as filled_indirect_reports, ( select sum(fir.vacant_indirect_reports) from cte_fir fir where fir.position_id = soc.position_id ) as vacant_indirect_reports, ( select sum(fir.filled_indirect_reports) from cte_fir fir where fir.position_id = soc.position_id ) + soc.filled_direct_reports as employees_under_position, ( select sum(fir.vacant_indirect_reports) from cte_fir fir where fir.position_id = soc.position_id ) + soc.vacant_direct_reports as vacancies_under_position, soc.reporting_path_position_id, soc.reporting_path_position_descr, soc.reporting_path_employee, soc.reporting_path_employee_name from cte_reportsto_tree soc order by soc.position_id, soc.employee_id, soc.multi_job_sequence;