elccolumnid | elclookupcode | elccolumnname | elcisrequired 1 | 64 | FirstName | 1 2 | 64 | LastName | 1 3 | 65 | abc | 1 4 | 65 | xyz | 1
eldrecordId | eldlookupcode |eldlookupsequence |eldlookupvalue | eldlookupvaluedescription 245 | 64 | 0 | Red | Aravinth,Arumugam 246 | 64 | 1 | Blue | Santhosh,Chandran 247 | 64 | 2 | Green | Karthik,Balasubramanian
当我将“ 64”作为参数传递给过程时。我得到的输出为:
FirstName | LastName | eldRecordId ------------------------------------- Aravinth | Arumugam | 245 Santhosh | Chandran | 246 Karthik | Balasubramanian| 247
// SP
-- Select the columns to be used DECLARE @tcol TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) , elclookupcode INT , elccolumnname VARCHAR(100) ) -- Insert the records into the table INSERT INTO @tcol (elclookupcode, elccolumnname) SELECT elclookupcode,elccolumnname FROM tblEngineeringLookupColumnMaster WHERE elclookupcode=@LookupCode -- Select the columns which should be as output as a table DECLARE @temp TABLE ( elcLookupCode INT , RecordId INT , txt VARCHAR(8000) ) -- Select the records from the table and insert INSERT INTO @temp (elcLookupCode, RecordId, txt) SELECT eldLookupCode,eldRecordId, eldLookupValueDescription FROM tblEngineeringLookupDetail WHERE eldLookupCode=@LookupCode DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) -- Have a table for the selected values ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT token = ', [' + d2.elccolumnname + '] = ''' + d.token + '''' , d.RecordId FROM ( SELECT token = t.c.value('.', 'VARCHAR(50)') , a.RecordId , a.elcLookupCode , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.RecordId ORDER BY a.RecordId) FROM ( SELECT RecordId , elcLookupCode , txml = CAST('<t>' + REPLACE(txt, ',', '</t><t>') + '</t>' AS XML) FROM @temp ) a CROSS APPLY txml.nodes('/t') t(c) ) d -- Select the columns to be mapped JOIN ( SELECT elclookupcode , elccolumnname , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY elclookupcode ORDER BY elclookupcode) FROM @tcol ) d2 ON d.elcLookupCode = d2.elclookupcode AND d2.rn = d.rn ) -- Join all the records taken SELECT @SQL = STUFF(( SELECT CHAR(13) + 'UNION ALL SELECT '+ STUFF(( SELECT t2.token FROM cte t2 WHERE t2.RecordId = t.RecordId FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, ''), ',[RecordId] = ' + CAST(RecordId AS VARCHAR(10)) FROM @temp t FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 11, '') PRINT @SQL EXEC sp_executesql @SQL END
如果我将‘65’作为参数传递给该过程,则在第一个表(tblengineeringlookupcolumnmaster)中有值,而在第二个表(tblengineeringlookupdetail)中无对应值的情况下,我没有任何结果(显示一条消息3rows affected)。
3rows affected
xyz | abc | eldrecordId NULL |NULL | NULL
DECLARE @tcol TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) , elclookupcode INT , elccolumnname VARCHAR(20) ) INSERT INTO @tcol (elclookupcode, elccolumnname) VALUES (65, 'FirstName'), (65, 'LastName') DECLARE @temp TABLE ( elcLookupCode INT , eldRecordId INT , txt VARCHAR(100) ) INSERT INTO @temp (elcLookupCode, eldRecordId, txt) VALUES (64, 245, 'Aravinth,Arumugam'), (64, 246, 'Santhosh,Chandran'), (64, 247, 'Karthik,Balasubramanian') DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT token = ', [' + d2.elccolumnname + '] = ''' + d.token + '''' , d.eldRecordId FROM ( SELECT token = t.c.value('.', 'VARCHAR(50)') , a.eldRecordId , a.elcLookupCode , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.eldRecordId ORDER BY a.eldRecordId) FROM ( SELECT eldRecordId , elcLookupCode , txml = CAST('<t>' + REPLACE(txt, ',', '</t><t>') + '</t>' AS XML) FROM @temp ) a CROSS APPLY txml.nodes('/t') t(c) ) d LEFT JOIN ( SELECT elclookupcode , elccolumnname , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY elclookupcode ORDER BY elclookupcode) FROM @tcol ) d2 ON d.elcLookupCode = d2.elclookupcode AND d2.rn = d.rn ) SELECT @SQL = STUFF(( SELECT CHAR(13) + 'UNION ALL SELECT [eldRecordId] = ' + CAST(eldRecordId AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', ' + '[elcLookupCode] = ' + CAST(elcLookupCode AS VARCHAR(10)) + ISNULL(STUFF(( SELECT t2.token FROM cte t2 WHERE t2.eldRecordId = t.eldRecordId FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, ', '), '') FROM @temp t FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 11, '') PRINT @SQL EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL