| | John | Mark | Peter | Martin | Paul | |:------:|:----:|:----:|:-----:|:------:|:----:| | John | NULL | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | | Mark | 0 | NULL | 1 | 3 | 0 | | Peter | 3 | 3 | NULL | 1 | 3 | | Martin | 3 | 1 | 3 | NULL | 2 | | Paul | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | NULL |
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Results]( [ResultId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [LeagueId] [int] NOT NULL, [Player1Id] [int] NOT NULL, [Player2Id] [int] NOT NULL, [Player1Result] [int] NULL, [Player2Result] [int] NULL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Players]( [PlayerId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [UserId] [int] NOT NULL, [FirstName] [nvarchar](150) NULL, [LastName] [nvarchar](150) NULL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Leagues]( [LeagueId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [LeagueName] [nvarchar](50) NULL)
select p.FirstName, p1.player2result, p2.player2result, p3.player2result, p4.player2result from (select player2Result from Results p1 where p.playerId = p1.Player2Id union select player2Result from Results p2 where p.playerId = p2.Player2Id union select player2Result from Results p3 where p.playerId = p3.Player2Id union select player2Result from Results p4 where p.playerId = p4.Player2Id) as opResult LEFT JOIN Players p on opResult.Player2Result = p.PlayerId GROUP BY p.FirstName, p1.player2result, p2.player2result, p3.player2result, p4.player2result
------------------------------------------ --Data setup ------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Results] ( [ResultId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [LeagueId] [int] NOT NULL, [Player1Id] [int] NOT NULL, [Player2Id] [int] NOT NULL, [Player1Result] [int] NULL, [Player2Result] [int] NULL ) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Players] ( [PlayerId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [UserId] [int] NOT NULL, [FirstName] [nvarchar](150) NULL, [LastName] [nvarchar](150) NULL ) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Leagues] ( [LeagueId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [LeagueName] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) INSERT INTO Players (UserId,FirstName) VALUES (1,'John'), (2,'Mark'), (3,'Peter'), (4,'Martin'), (5,'Paul') INSERT INTO Leagues(LeagueName) VALUES ('League 1'), ('League 2') INSERT INTO Results(LeagueId,Player1Id,Player2Id,Player1Result,Player2Result) VALUES (1,1,2,3,0), (1,1,3,0,4), (1,1,4,1,2), (1,1,5,2,1), (1,2,3,1,4), (1,2,4,3,2), (1,2,5,0,1), (1,3,4,1,2), (1,3,5,3,1), (1,4,5,2,1) ------------------------------------------ --Answer ------------------------------------------ --Get a list of all the names in the system DECLARE @Names NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @Names = (SELECT '[' + STUFF((SELECT '],[' + FirstName FROM Players ORDER BY FirstName FOR XML PATH('')),1,3,'') + ']') DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) --Create the matrix SET @SQL = ' SELECT FirstName1,' + @Names + ' FROM ( SELECT P1.FirstName AS FirstName1,P2.FirstName AS FirstName2,R.Player1Result AS Result FROM Results AS R INNER JOIN Players AS P1 ON P1.PlayerId = R.Player1Id INNER JOIN Players AS P2 ON P2.PlayerId = R.Player2Id UNION ALL SELECT P2.FirstName AS FirstName1,P1.FirstName AS FirstName2,R.Player2Result AS Result FROM Results AS R INNER JOIN Players AS P1 ON P1.PlayerId = R.Player1Id INNER JOIN Players AS P2 ON P2.PlayerId = R.Player2Id ) AS P PIVOT ( MAX (Result) FOR FirstName2 IN ( ' + @Names + ' ) ) AS pvt ORDER BY pvt.FirstName1; ' EXEC(@SQL) ------------------------------------------ --Cleanup ------------------------------------------ DROP TABLE Results DROP TABLE Players DROP TABLE Leagues