dname: { type: string(255), notnull: true } email: { type: string(255), notnull: true, unique: true } email_code: { type: string(255) } email_confirmed: { type: boolean, default: false } profile_filled: { type: boolean, default: false } password: { type: string(255), notnull: true } image_id: { type: integer } gender: { type: enum, values: [male, female] } description: { type: string } dob: { type: date } height: { type: integer(3) } looks: { type: enum, values: [thin, average, athletic, heavy] } looking_for: { type: enum, values: [marriage, dating, friends] } looking_for_age1: { type: integer } looking_for_age2: { type: integer } color_hair: { type: enum, values: [black, brown, blond, red] } color_eyes: { type: enum, values: [black, brown, blue, green, grey] } marital_status: { type: enum, values: [single, married, divorced, widowed] } smokes: { type: enum, values: [no, yes, sometimes] } drinks: { type: enum, values: [no, yes, sometimes] } has_children: { type: enum, values: [no, yes] } wants_children: { type: enum, values: [no, yes] } education: { type: enum, values: [school, college, university, masters, phd] } occupation: { type: enum, values: [no, yes] } country_id: { type: integer } city_id: { type: integer } lastlogin_at: { type: timestamp } deleted_at: { type: timestamp }
我创建了一个包含大多数字段(枚举,国家/地区,城市)的表单,该表单使用户能够根据他们选择的字段生成一个where语句。因此,如果有人选择抽烟:否和country_id:7,则sql where语句可能如下所示:
SELECT id FROM user u WHERE u.deleted_t IS NULL AND u.profile_filled IS NOT NULL AND smokes = 'no' AND country_id = 7;
1, Lisa 2, Jane 3, John
1, EYES, Brown 1, GENDER, Female 2, EYES, Blue 2, GENDER, Female 3 EYES, Blue 3, GENDER, Male
SELECT UserID, COUNT(*) as MatchingAttributes FROM UserAttributes WHERE (UserAttributes.AttributeName = 'EYES' AND UserAttributes.AttributeValue = 'Blue') OR (UserAttributes.AttributeName = 'GENDER' AND UserAttributes.AttributeValue = 'Female')
UserID, MatchingAttributes 1, 1 2, 2 3, 1
然后,您需要做的就是向查询添加HAVING COUNT(*)= 2以仅选择匹配的ID。可以从中进行选择,但是它还提供了一个简洁的功能,例如您对10个属性进行过滤,并返回所有具有10个匹配项的属性。很酷,但说没有一个100%符合。您可能会说,我没有找到匹配的,但这些匹配有10个匹配中的9个或90%匹配。(请确保,如果我搜索一只蓝眼睛的金发女性,我不会收到一条消息,说找不到任何信息,但以下是最接近的匹配项,其中包含蓝眼睛的金发女郎,其匹配分数为60%。这将是非常不酷)