String.Format("You are {age} years old and your last name is {name} ", {age = "18", name = "Foo"});
static void Main() { string s = Format("You are {age} years old and your last name is {name} ", new {age = 18, name = "Foo"}); }
static readonly Regex rePattern = new Regex( @"(\{+)([^\}]+)(\}+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); static string Format(string pattern, object template) { if (template == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); Type type = template.GetType(); var cache = new Dictionary<string, string>(); return rePattern.Replace(pattern, match => { int lCount = match.Groups[1].Value.Length, rCount = match.Groups[3].Value.Length; if ((lCount % 2) != (rCount % 2)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unbalanced braces"); string lBrace = lCount == 1 ? "" : new string('{', lCount / 2), rBrace = rCount == 1 ? "" : new string('}', rCount / 2); string key = match.Groups[2].Value, value; if(lCount % 2 == 0) { value = key; } else { if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out value)) { var prop = type.GetProperty(key); if (prop == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Not found: " + key, "pattern"); } value = Convert.ToString(prop.GetValue(template, null)); cache.Add(key, value); } } return lBrace + value + rBrace; }); }