我要迁移到 Redux。
我的应用程序由很多部分(页面、组件)组成,所以我想创建许多减速器。Redux 示例表明我应该使用它combineReducers()来生成一个 reducer。
另外据我了解,Redux 应用程序应该有一个商店,它是在应用程序启动后创建的。创建商店时,我应该通过我的组合减速器。如果应用程序不是太大,这是有道理的。
但是如果我构建了多个 JavaScript 包怎么办?例如,应用程序的每个页面都有自己的捆绑包。我认为在这种情况下,一个组合减速器不好。我查看了 Redux 的源代码,发现了replaceReducer()函数。这似乎是我想要的。
更新:另请参阅[Twitter 是如何做到](http://nicolasgallagher.com/redux-modules-and-code- splitting/)的。
这不是一个完整的答案,但应该可以帮助您入门。请注意,我 并没有丢弃旧的减速器 ——只是将新的减速器添加到组合列表中。我认为没有理由丢弃旧的 reducer——即使在最大的应用程序中,您也不太可能拥有数千个动态模块,这就是您 可能 希望在应用程序中断开一些 reducer 的地方。
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import users from './reducers/users'; import posts from './reducers/posts'; export default function createReducer(asyncReducers) { return combineReducers({ users, posts, ...asyncReducers }); }
import { createStore } from 'redux'; import createReducer from './reducers'; export default function configureStore(initialState) { const store = createStore(createReducer(), initialState); store.asyncReducers = {}; return store; } export function injectAsyncReducer(store, name, asyncReducer) { store.asyncReducers[name] = asyncReducer; store.replaceReducer(createReducer(store.asyncReducers)); }
import { injectAsyncReducer } from './store'; // Assuming React Router here but the principle is the same // regardless of the library: make sure store is available // when you want to require.ensure() your reducer so you can call // injectAsyncReducer(store, name, reducer). function createRoutes(store) { // ... const CommentsRoute = { // ... getComponents(location, callback) { require.ensure([ './pages/Comments', './reducers/comments' ], function (require) { const Comments = require('./pages/Comments').default; const commentsReducer = require('./reducers/comments').default; injectAsyncReducer(store, 'comments', commentsReducer); callback(null, Comments); }) } }; // ... }