我想限制某个用户每小时可以执行存储过程的次数。为此,我尝试使用性能统计信息来确定存储过程在过去一小时内执行了多少次。如果它为 0,那么我将允许执行存储过程中的查询,否则它会跳过它。
sql CREATE USER sp_only_user WITH PASSWORD = 'blabla12345!@#$'
sql GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::sp_Get_Clients to sp_only_user
SELECT @LastExecutionTime= PS.last_execution_time FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats PS INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON O.[object_id] = PS.[object_id] WHERE name = 'sp_Get_Clients'
SELECT @ExecutionCntPerHour = dbo.fn_CountSpExecutionsPerHour('sp_Get_Clients')
底线是我需要 SP 拥有用户没有的权限(当然,除非有不同的方法来限制每小时执行存储过程的次数,这样更容易)。
CREATE TABLE dbo.ExecutionLimit (ProcedureSchema sysname NOT NULL, ProcedureName sysname NOT NULL, UserName sysname NOT NULL, ExecutionLimit int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT CK_ExecutionLimitMin CHECK (ExecutionLimit > 0), ExecutionTimeFrame int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT CK_ExecutionTimeFrameMin CHECK (ExecutionTimeFrame > 0), --This is in minutes, but you could use something else CONSTRAINT PK_ExecutionLimit_ProcedureUser PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(ProcedureSchema, ProcedureName, UserName)); GO CREATE TABLE dbo.ProcedureExecution (ProcedureSchema sysname NOT NULL, ProcedureName sysname NOT NULL, UserName sysname NOT NULL, ExecutionTime datetime2(1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_ExecutionTime DEFAULT SYSDATETIME()); CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CI_ProcedureExecution ON dbo.ProcedureExecution (ExecutionTime,ProcedureSchema,ProcedureName,UserName);
然后我将创建几个USERs 并给其中一个设置执行限制(请注意,该过程尚未创建,但在这里很好):
CREATE USER SomeUser WITHOUT LOGIN; CREATE USER AnotherUser WITHOUT LOGIN; GO INSERT INTO dbo.ExecutionLimit (ProcedureSchema,ProcedureName,UserName,ExecutionLimit,ExecutionTimeFrame) VALUES(N'dbo',N'SomeProcedure',N'SomeUser',5, 60); --No more than 5 times in an hour
因此SomeUser只能在一个小时的间隔内运行该程序 5 次,但AnotherUser可以根据需要多次运行它(由于没有条目)。
现在进行程序。在这里,您将要使用 anEXISTS检查过程中是否执行了过多的执行。正如我所提到的,如果执行次数过多,那么我会THROW出错;我在这里只使用一个通用的,但你可能需要一些更复杂的逻辑。注意我ROWLOCK在这里使用来阻止多个同时执行超过限制;如果这不太可能发生,您可以删除该提示。
CREATE PROC dbo.SomeProcedure AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRANSACTION; IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.ExecutionLimit EL --Using ROWLOCK to stop simultaneous executions, this is optional JOIN dbo.ProcedureExecution PE WITH (ROWLOCK) ON EL.ProcedureSchema = PE.ProcedureSchema AND EL.ProcedureName = PE.ProcedureName AND EL.UserName = PE.UserName AND DATEADD(MINUTE,-EL.ExecutionTimeFrame,SYSDATETIME()) <= PE.ExecutionTime WHERE EL.UserName = USER_NAME() AND EL.ProcedureSchema = N'dbo' AND EL.ProcedureName = N'SomeProcedure' GROUP BY EL.ExecutionLimit --Needs to be, or will error HAVING COUNT(PE.ExecutionTime) >= EL.ExecutionLimit) BEGIN DECLARE @Message nvarchar(2047); SELECT @Message = FORMATMESSAGE(N'The maximum number of executions (%i) within your allotted timeframe (%i minutes) has been reached. Please try again later.', EL.ExecutionLimit, EL.ExecutionTimeFrame) FROM dbo.ExecutionLimit EL WHERE EL.UserName = USER_NAME() AND EL.ProcedureSchema = N'dbo' AND EL.ProcedureName = N'SomeProcedure'; THROW 62462, @Message, 16; END; INSERT INTO dbo.ProcedureExecution (ProcedureSchema, ProcedureName, UserName) VALUES(N'dbo',N'SomeProcedure',USER_NAME()); COMMIT; --Do the stuff PRINT N'Congratulations! You have run the procedure! :)'; --Obviously this wouldn't be in there. END; GO
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.SomeProcedure TO SomeUser,AnotherUser; GO EXECUTE AS USER = 'SomeUser'; GO EXECUTE dbo.SomeProcedure; GO 6 REVERT; GO EXECUTE AS USER = 'AnotherUser'; GO EXECUTE dbo.SomeProcedure; GO 6 REVERT; GO DROP TABLE dbo.ExecutionLimit; DROP TABLE dbo.ProcedureExecution; DROP PROC dbo.SomeProcedure; GO DROP USER SomeUser; DROP USER AnotherUser;
CREATE PROC dbo.CheckExecutions @Username sysname, @ProcedureSchema sysname, @ProcedureName sysname AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRANSACTION; IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.ExecutionLimit EL --Using ROWLOCK to stop simultaneous executions, this is optional JOIN dbo.ProcedureExecution PE WITH (ROWLOCK) ON EL.ProcedureSchema = PE.ProcedureSchema AND EL.ProcedureName = PE.ProcedureName AND EL.UserName = PE.UserName AND DATEADD(MINUTE,-EL.ExecutionTimeFrame,SYSDATETIME()) <= PE.ExecutionTime WHERE EL.UserName = @Username AND EL.ProcedureSchema = @ProcedureSchema AND EL.ProcedureName = @ProcedureName GROUP BY EL.ExecutionLimit --Needs to be, or will error HAVING COUNT(PE.ExecutionTime) >= EL.ExecutionLimit) BEGIN DECLARE @Message nvarchar(2047); SELECT @Message = FORMATMESSAGE(N'The maximum number of executions (%i) within your allotted timeframe (%i minutes) has been reached on the procedure ''%s.%s''. Please try again later.', EL.ExecutionLimit, EL.ExecutionTimeFrame, EL.ProcedureSchema, EL.ProcedureName) FROM dbo.ExecutionLimit EL WHERE EL.UserName = @Username AND EL.ProcedureSchema = @ProcedureSchema AND EL.ProcedureName = @ProcedureName; THROW 62462, @Message, 16; END; INSERT INTO dbo.ProcedureExecution (UserName, ProcedureSchema, ProcedureName) VALUES(@UserName, @ProcedureSchema, @ProcedureName); COMMIT; END GO CREATE PROC dbo.SomeProcedure AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; DECLARE @UserName sysname = USER_NAME(); EXEC dbo.CheckExecutions @UserName, N'dbo', N'SomeProcedure'; --Do the stuff PRINT N'Congratulations! You have run the procedure! :)'; --Obviously this wouldn't be in there. END; GO