我有一个使用 java -jar application.jar 运行的spring boot Web应用 程序 。我需要从代码动态获取jar父文件夹路径。我该怎么做?
如果使用java -jar myapp.jar进行运行,dirtyPath将接近以下内容:jar:file:/ D:/arquivos/repositorio/myapp/trunk/target/myapp-1.0.3-RELEASE.jar!/ BOOT- INF / classes!/ br / com / cancastilho / service。或者,如果您从Spring Tools Suit运行,则如下所示:file:/ D:/ arquivos / repositorio / myapp / trunk / target / classes / br / com / cancastilho / service
public String getParentDirectoryFromJar() { String dirtyPath = getClass().getResource("").toString(); String jarPath = dirtyPath.replaceAll("^.*file:/", ""); //removes file:/ and everything before it jarPath = jarPath.replaceAll("jar!.*", "jar"); //removes everything after .jar, if .jar exists in dirtyPath jarPath = jarPath.replaceAll("%20", " "); //necessary if path has spaces within if (!jarPath.endsWith(".jar")) { // this is needed if you plan to run the app using Spring Tools Suit play button. jarPath = jarPath.replaceAll("/classes/.*", "/classes/"); } String directoryPath = Paths.get(jarPath).getParent().toString(); //Paths - from java 8 return directoryPath; }
实际上,如果您使用的是Spring Boot,则可以像这样使用ApplicationHome类:
ApplicationHome home = new ApplicationHome(MyMainSpringBootApplication.class); home.getDir(); // returns the folder where the jar is. This is what I wanted. home.getSource(); // returns the jar absolute path.