我正在用python为Ubuntu Linux编写一个防RSI /类型中断程序。我希望能够“锁定键盘”,以便忽略所有按键,直到“解锁”为止。我希望能够强迫用户休息一下。
一些程序已经能够做到这一点(例如,Work Rave)
如何在Linux / X11上执行此操作?(在Python中更可取)
#!/bin/sh do_it() { # need error checking there. We should also restrict which device gets # deactivated, by checking other properties. keyboard_ids="$(xinput list | sed -rn 's/.*id=([0-9]+).*slave\s+keyboard.*/\1/p')" for keyboard_id in $keyboard_ids; do # 121 is "Device Active". # use xinput watch-props $device_id to see some properties. xinput set-int-prop $keyboard_id 121 8 $1; done; } # you maybe don't want to exit in case of failure there. do_it 0 ; sleep 5; do_it 1
这种逻辑在Python中很容易重写。如果安装xinput是有问题的,那么最好获取xinput的源并尝试使用python- xlib之类的库在Python中重新实现它。