#!/bin/bash ARGS=3 # Script requires 3 arguments. E_BADARGS=85 # Wrong number of arguments passed to script. if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` old-pattern new-pattern filename" exit $E_BADARGS fi old_pattern=$1 new_pattern=$2 if [ -f "$3" ] then file_name=$3 else echo "File \"$3\" does not exist." exit $E_BADARGS fi exit $?
在Y分钟内来自Learn Bash:
# Builtin variables: # There are some useful builtin variables, like echo "Last program's return value: $?" echo "Script's PID: $$" echo "Number of arguments passed to script: $#" echo "All arguments passed to script: $@" echo "The script's name: $0" echo "Script's arguments separated into different variables: $1 $2..."