$ gcc -no-pie switch_mode.c switch_cs.s
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> extern bool switch_cs(int cs, bool (*f)()); extern bool check_mode(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int cs = 0x23; if (argc > 1) cs = strtoull(argv[1], 0, 16); printf("switch to CS=%02x\n", cs); bool r = switch_cs(cs, check_mode); if (r) printf("cs=%02x: 64-bit mode\n", cs); else printf("cs=%02x: 32-bit mode\n", cs); return 0; }
.intel_syntax noprefix .code64 .text .globl switch_cs switch_cs: push rbx push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 0x18 mov rbx, rsp movq [rbx], offset .L1 mov [rbx+4], edi // Before the lcall, switch to a stack below 4GB. // This assumes that the data segment is below 4GB. mov rsp, offset stack+0xf0 lcall [rbx] // restore rsp to the original stack leave pop rbx ret .code32 .L1: call esi lret .code64 .globl check_mode // returns false for 32-bit mode; true for 64-bit mode check_mode: xor eax, eax // In 32-bit mode, this instruction is executed as // inc eax; test eax, eax test rax, rax setz al ret .data .align 16 stack: .space 0x100