两种形式都在SearchBrowse.jsp中。这是form1(form2将具有相同的结构。请注意,我尝试使用相同的form id并希望达到这种效果,但是没有用):
<c:set var="counter1" value="0"></c:set> <c:set var="curSp" value="0"></c:set> <form id="myForm" method="post" action="SearchBrowse.jsp"> <b>Select Species:</b> <select name="spChoice" size="1" onchange="submit()"> <c:forEach var="sp" items="${species}"> <c:choose> <c:when test="${param.spChoice == sp.name}"> <c:set var="spFlag" value=" selected"></c:set> <c:set var="curSp" value="${counter1}"></c:set> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <c:set var="spFlag" value=""></c:set> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> <option value="<c:out value='${sp.name}' />" <c:out value='${spFlag}' />> <c:out value="${sp.name}"></c:out> </option> <c:set var="counter1" value="${counter1 +1}"></c:set> </c:forEach> </select> <br></br> </form>
<c:set var="counter2" value="0"></c:set> <c:set var="curChrm" value="0"></c:set> <%-- Implement a dropdown list and and determine which javabean list to be displayed in the table --%> <form id="myForm" method="post" action="SearchBrowse.jsp"> <b>Select Chromosome to browse summary:</b> <select name="chrmChoice" size="1" onchange="submit()"> <c:forEach var="chrms" items="${riceChrmLocation}"> <c:choose> <c:when test="${param.chrmChoice == chrms.name}"> <c:set var="selectFlag" value=" selected"></c:set> <c:set var="curChrm" value="${counter2}"></c:set> </c:when> <c:otherwise> <c:set var="selectFlag" value=""></c:set> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> <option value="<c:out value='${chrms.name}' />" <c:out value='${selectFlag}' />> <c:out value="${chrms.name}"></c:out> </option> <c:set var="counter2" value="${counter2 +1}"></c:set> </c:forEach> </select> <br></br> </form>
编辑: 这是一个小JS示例:
<!-- test.html --> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function doCopyAndThenSubmit() { var sourceInput = document.getElementById("source"); //destination should be the hidden field, made it text to have a visual on the operation var destinationInput = document.getElementById("destination"); destinationInput.value = sourceInput.value; //watch the address bar after the OK alert("Did the copy, press OK for the submit"); document.forms["yourForm"].submit(); } </script> </head> <body> Add some text in source and change the value in the select<br/> <form action="test.html" method="GET" name="yourForm"> <select onchange="doCopyAndThenSubmit()"> <option value="x">some value</option> <option value="y">some other</option> </select> <br/>Source: <!-- id must be unique in the entire document (don't confound with name) --> <input name="src" id="source" type="text" value="" /> <br/>Destination: <input name="dest" id="destination" type="text" value="" /> </form> </body> </html>
<form name="form1" ...> ... <input name="source" id="source" type="text" value="" /> </form> <form name="form2" ...> ... <input name="destination" id="destination" type="hidden" value="" /> </form>