{“用户”:{“名称”:“ cruskuaka”,“电子邮件”:“ cristlika@gmail.com”,“电话号码”:“ 018833455”},“地址”:{“房屋”:“ 100”,“街道“:” B“,”镇“:{” town_id“:” 1“,” town_name“:”高威市中心“},” city“:{” city_id“:” 10“,” city_name“:”高威“ },“ address_id”:“ 200”,“ full_address”:“ 100,B,高威,戈尔韦市中心”“,” delivery_instruction“:”无人接听“,” delivery_method“:” 1“}
这里所有的结构 :
struct Contact { let user : User let address : Address let deliveryInstruction : String let deliveryMethod : String init(dictionary: [String: Any]) { self.deliveryInstruction = dictionary["delivery_instruction"] as? String ?? "" self.deliveryMethod = dictionary["delivery_method"] as? String ?? "" self.address = Address(dictionary: dictionary["address"] as? [String:Any] ?? [:]) self.user = User(dictionary: dictionary["address"] as? [String:Any] ?? [:]) } }
struct User { let name : String let email : String let phoneNo : String init(dictionary : [String:Any] ) { self.name = dictionary["name"] as? String ?? "" self.email = dictionary["email"] as? String ?? "" self.phoneNo = dictionary["phoneNo"] as? String ?? "" } }
struct Address { let city : City let town : Town let addressId : String let fullAddress : String let house : String let street: String init(dictionary : [String:Any] ) { self.addressId = dictionary["address_id"] as? String ?? "" self.fullAddress = dictionary["full_address"] as? String ?? "" self.house = dictionary["house"] as? String ?? "" self.street = dictionary["street"] as? String ?? "" self.city = City(dictionary: dictionary["address"] as? [String:Any] ?? [:]) self.town = Town(dictionary: dictionary["address"] as? [String:Any] ?? [:]) } }
struct City { let cityId : String let cityName : String init(dictionary : [String:Any] ) { self.cityId = dictionary["city_id"] as? String ?? "" self.cityName = dictionary["city_name"] as? String ?? "" } }
struct Town { let townId : String let townName : String init(dictionary : [String:Any]) { self.townId = dictionary["town_id"] as? String ?? "" self.townName = dictionary["town_name"] as? String ?? "" } }
编辑/更新:Swift 4或更高版本,您可以使用可编码协议:
struct Root: Codable { let user: User let address: Address let deliveryInstruction, deliveryMethod: String }
struct Address: Codable { let house, street, addressId, fullAddress: String let town: Town let city: City }
struct City: Codable { let cityId, cityName: String }
struct Town: Codable { let townId, townName: String }
struct User: Codable { let name, email, phoneNo: String }
extension Decodable { init(data: Data, using decoder: JSONDecoder = .init()) throws { self = try decoder.decode(Self.self, from: data) } init(json: String, using decoder: JSONDecoder = .init()) throws { try self.init(data: Data(json.utf8), using: decoder) } }
let json = """ {"user": {"name": "crst","email": "crat@gmail.com","phoneNo":"018833455"},"address": {"house": "100","street": "B","town":{"town_id": "1","town_name": "Galway city center"},"city":{"city_id": "10","city_name": "Galway"},"address_id":"200", "full_address":"100, B, Galway city center,Galway" },"delivery_instruction": "no call","delivery_method": "1" } """ do { let decoder = JSONDecoder() decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase let root = try decoder.decode(Root.self, from: Data(json.utf8)) print(root) } catch { print(error) }
do { let decoder = JSONDecoder() decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase let root = try Root(json: json, using: decoder) // or Root(data: data, using: decoder) print(root) } catch { print(error) }
根(用户: lldb_expr_112.User(名称:“ cruskuaka”,电子邮件:“ cristlika@gmail.com”,电话号码:“ 018833455”)),地址: lldb_expr_112.Address(房屋:“ 100”,街道:“ B”,addressId :“ 200”,完整地址:“ 100,B,戈尔韦市中心,戈尔韦”,镇: lldb_expr_112.Town(townId:“ 1”,townName:“戈尔韦市中心”),城市: lldb_expr_112.City(cityId:“ 10 “,cityName:” Galway“)),deliveryInstruction:” no call“,deliveryMethod:” 1“)
struct Contact: CustomStringConvertible { let user: User let address: Address let deliveryInstruction: String let deliveryMethod: String // customize the description to your needs var description: String { return "\(user.name) \(deliveryInstruction) \(deliveryMethod)" } init(dictionary: [String: Any]) { self.deliveryInstruction = dictionary["delivery_instruction"] as? String ?? "" self.deliveryMethod = dictionary["delivery_method"] as? String ?? "" self.address = Address(dictionary: dictionary["address"] as? [String: Any] ?? [:]) self.user = User(dictionary: dictionary["user"] as? [String: Any] ?? [:]) } init?(data: Data) { guard let json = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data)) as? [String: Any] else { return nil } self.init(dictionary: json) } init?(json: String) { self.init(data: Data(json.utf8)) } }
struct User: CustomStringConvertible { let name: String let email: String let phone: String let description: String init(dictionary: [String: Any]) { self.name = dictionary["name"] as? String ?? "" self.email = dictionary["email"] as? String ?? "" self.phone = dictionary["phoneNo"] as? String ?? "" self.description = "name: \(name) - email: \(email) - phone: \(phone)" } }
struct Address: CustomStringConvertible { let id: String let street: String let house: String let city: City let town: Town let description: String init(dictionary: [String: Any] ) { self.id = dictionary["address_id"] as? String ?? "" self.description = dictionary["full_address"] as? String ?? "" self.house = dictionary["house"] as? String ?? "" self.street = dictionary["street"] as? String ?? "" self.city = City(dictionary: dictionary["city"] as? [String: Any] ?? [:]) self.town = Town(dictionary: dictionary["town"] as? [String: Any] ?? [:]) } }
struct City: CustomStringConvertible { let id: String let name: String // customize the description to your needs var description: String { return name } init(dictionary: [String: Any] ) { self.id = dictionary["city_id"] as? String ?? "" self.name = dictionary["city_name"] as? String ?? "" } }
struct Town: CustomStringConvertible { let id: String let name: String // customize the description to your needs var description: String { return name } init(dictionary: [String: Any]) { self.id = dictionary["town_id"] as? String ?? "" self.name = dictionary["town_name"] as? String ?? "" } }
let contact = Contact(json: json) // crst no call 1 contact // crst no call 1 contact?.user // name: crst - email: crat@gmail.com - phone: 018833455 contact?.user.name // "crst" contact?.user.email // "crat@gmail.com" contact?.user.phone // "018833455" contact?.address // 100, B, Galway city center,Galway contact?.address.id // 200 contact?.address.street // B contact?.address.town // Galway city center contact?.address.city // Galway contact?.deliveryInstruction // "no call" contact?.deliveryMethod // 1