export default function Loading() { // if data fetching is slow, after 1 sec i will show some loading animation const [showLoading, setShowLoading] = useState(true) let timer1 = setTimeout(() => setShowLoading(true), 1000) console.log('this message will render every second') return 1 }
const [showLoading, setShowLoading] = useState(true) let timer1 = setTimeout(() => setShowLoading(true), 1000) useEffect( () => { return () => { clearTimeout(timer1) } }, [showLoading] )
__useEffect 每次运行时useEffect都会在运行中 返回 函数(首次运行在组件安装上除外)。考虑一下它,因为每次useEffect执行新的执行时,旧的执行都会被删除。
export default function Loading() { const [showLoading, setShowLoading] = useState(false) useEffect( () => { let timer1 = setTimeout(() => setShowLoading(true), 1000) // this will clear Timeout when component unmount like in willComponentUnmount return () => { clearTimeout(timer1) } }, [] //useEffect will run only one time //if you pass a value to array, like this [data] than clearTimeout will run every time this value changes (useEffect re-run) ) return showLoading && <div>I will be visible after ~1000ms</div> }
export default function Loading() { const [showLoading, setShowLoading] = useState(false) const timerToClearSomewhere = useRef(false) //now you can pass timer to another component useEffect( () => { timerToClearSomewhere.current = setInterval(() => setShowLoading(true), 50000) return () => { clearInterval(timerToClearSomewhere.current) } }, [] ) //here we can imitate clear from somewhere else place useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => clearInterval(timerToClearSomewhere.current), 1000) }, []) return showLoading ? <div>I will never be visible because interval was cleared</div> : <div>showLoading is false</div> }