var Indicator = React.createClass({ mixins: [SetIntervalMixin], getInitialState: function(){ return{ elapsed: this.props.rate }; }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { rate: 30 }; }, propTypes: { rate: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired }, componentDidMount: function() { MyStore.addChangeListener(this._onChange); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { MyStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChange); }, refresh: function(){ this.setState({elapsed: this.state.elapsed-1}) if(this.state.elapsed == 0){ this.clearInterval(); TriggerAnAction(); } }, render: function() { return ( <p>{this.state.elapsed}s</p> ); }, /** * Event handler for 'change' events coming from MyStore */ _onChange: function() { this.setState({elapsed: this.props.rate} this.setInterval(this.refresh, 1000); } }); module.exports = Indicator;
但是,我要在这里测试的是不同的东西。我想测试 是否调用了刷新功能 。此外,我想测试一下,当我的经过状态为0时, 它会触发我的TriggerAnAction() 。好的,我尝试做的第一件事是:
jest.dontMock('../Indicator'); describe('Indicator', function() { it('waits 1 second foreach tick', function() { var React = require('react/addons'); var Indicator = require('../Indicator.js'); var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils; var Indicator = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument( <Indicator /> ); expect(Indicator.refresh).toBeCalled(); }); });
但是在编写npm test时收到以下错误:
Throws: Error: toBeCalled() should be used on a mock function
jest.dontMock('../Indicator'); describe('Indicator', function() { it('waits 1 second foreach tick', function() { var React = require('react/addons'); var Indicator = require('../Indicator.js'); var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils; var refresh = jest.genMockFunction(); Indicator.refresh = refresh; var onChange = jest.genMockFunction(); Indicator._onChange = onChange; onChange(); //Is that the way to call it? expect(refresh).toBeCalled(); //Fails expect(setInterval.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); //Fails // I am trying to execute the 1 second timer till finishes (would be 60 seconds) jest.runAllTimers(); expect(Indicator.state.elapsed).toBe(0); //Fails (I know is wrong but this is the idea) expect(clearInterval.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); //Fails (should call this function when time elapsed is 0) }); });
模拟 :具有由单元测试控制的行为的功能。通常,您可以使用模拟函数交换某些对象上的实函数,以确保正确调用模拟函数。Jest会自动为模块上的每个函数提供模拟,除非您调用jest.dontMock该模块的名称。
组件类 :这是React.createClass。您可以使用它来创建组件实例(这比这要复杂得多,但这足以满足我们的目的)。
组件实例 :组件类的实际渲染实例。这是您在调用TestUtils.renderIntoDocument其他TestUtils功能或许多其他功能之后所得到的。
在问题的更新示例中,您正在生成模拟并将其附加到组件 类 而不是组件的 实例 。此外,您只想模拟要监视或以其他方式更改的功能。例如,您嘲笑了_onChange,但您实际上并不想这么做,因为您希望它正常运行- 只是refresh您想嘲笑而已。
这是我为此组件编写的一组建议的测试;评论是内联的,因此,如果有任何疑问,请发表评论。有关此示例和测试套件的完整且有效的源代码位于https://github.com/BinaryMuse/so- jest-react-mock-example/tree/master;您应该能够克隆它并毫无问题地运行它。请注意,由于并非所有引用的模块都在您的原始问题中,因此我不得不对组件进行一些小的猜测和更改。
/** @jsx React.DOM */ jest.dontMock('../indicator'); // any other modules `../indicator` uses that shouldn't // be mocked should also be passed to `jest.dontMock` var React, IndicatorComponent, Indicator, TestUtils; describe('Indicator', function() { beforeEach(function() { React = require('react/addons'); TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils; // Notice this is the Indicator *class*... IndicatorComponent = require('../indicator.js'); // ...and this is an Indicator *instance* (rendered into the DOM). Indicator = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<IndicatorComponent />); // Jest will mock the functions on this module automatically for us. TriggerAnAction = require('../action'); }); it('waits 1 second foreach tick', function() { // Replace the `refresh` method on our component instance // with a mock that we can use to make sure it was called. // The mock function will not actually do anything by default. Indicator.refresh = jest.genMockFunction(); // Manually call the real `_onChange`, which is supposed to set some // state and start the interval for `refresh` on a 1000ms interval. Indicator._onChange(); expect(Indicator.state.elapsed).toBe(30); expect(setInterval.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(setInterval.mock.calls[0][1]).toBe(1000); // Now we make sure `refresh` hasn't been called yet. expect(Indicator.refresh).not.toBeCalled(); // However, we do expect it to be called on the next interval tick. jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); expect(Indicator.refresh).toBeCalled(); }); it('decrements elapsed by one each time refresh is called', function() { // We've already determined that `refresh` gets called correctly; now // let's make sure it does the right thing. Indicator._onChange(); expect(Indicator.state.elapsed).toBe(30); Indicator.refresh(); expect(Indicator.state.elapsed).toBe(29); Indicator.refresh(); expect(Indicator.state.elapsed).toBe(28); }); it('calls TriggerAnAction when elapsed reaches zero', function() { Indicator.setState({elapsed: 1}); Indicator.refresh(); // We can use `toBeCalled` here because Jest automatically mocks any // modules you don't call `dontMock` on. expect(TriggerAnAction).toBeCalled(); }); });