import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ListHeader from './lib/ListHeader'; import ListItems from './lib/ListItems'; const styles = { 'height': '400px', 'overflowY': 'auto', 'outline': '1px dashed red', 'width': '40%' }; class HeaderPosInfo { constructor(headerObj, originalPosition, originalHeight) { this.headerObj = headerObj; this.originalPosition = originalPosition; this.originalHeight = originalHeight; } } export default class ReactListView extends Component { static defaultProps = { events: ['scroll', 'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'MozMousePixelScroll', 'resize', 'touchmove', 'touchend'], _instances:[], _positionMap: new Set(), _topPos:'', _topWrapper:'' } static propTypes = { data: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, headerAttName: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, itemsAttName: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, events: React.PropTypes.array, _instances: React.PropTypes.array, _positionMap: React.PropTypes.object, _topPos: React.PropTypes.string, _topWrapper: React.PropTypes.object }; state = { events: this.props.events, _instances: this.props._instances, _positionMap: this.props._positionMap, _topPos: this.props._topPos } componentDidMount() { this.initStickyHeaders(); } componentWillUnmount() { } componentDidUpdate() { } refsToArray(ctx, prefix){ let results = []; for (let i=0;;i++){ let ref = ctx.refs[prefix + '-' + String(i)]; if (ref) results.push(ref); else return results; } } initHeaderPositions() { // Retrieve all instance of headers and store position info this.props._instances.forEach((k)=>{ this.props._positionMap.add(new HeaderPosInfo( k, k.refs.header.getDOMNode().offsetTop, k.refs.header.getDOMNode().offsetHeight )); }); let it = this.props._positionMap.values(); let first = it.next(); this.props._topPos = first.value.originalPosition; this.props._topWrapper = first.value.headerObj; } initStickyHeaders () { this.props._instances = this.refsToArray(this, 'ListHeader'); this.initHeaderPositions(); // Register events listeners with the listview div this.props.events.forEach(type => { if (window.addEventListener) { React.findDOMNode(this.refs.listview).addEventListener(type, this.onScroll.bind(this), false); } else { React.findDOMNode(this.refs.listview).attachEvent('on' + type, this.onScroll.bind(this), false); } }); } onScroll() { // update current header positions and apply fixed positions to the top one console.log(1); let offsetTop = React.findDOMNode(this.props._instances[0].refs.header).offsetTop; } render() { const { data, headerAttName, itemsAttName } = this.props; let _refi = 0; let makeRef = () => { return 'ListHeader-' + (_refi++); }; return ( <div ref="listview" style={styles}> { Object.keys(data).map(k => { const header = data[k][headerAttName]; const items = data[k][itemsAttName]; return ( <ul key={k}> <ListHeader ref={makeRef()} header={header} /> <ListItems items={items} /> </ul> ); }) } </div> ); } }
查看John Resig的文章,其中描述了此方法的帮助。