试图从根本上实现此https://github.com/elgerlambert/redux- localstorage,它适用于Redux,但适用于Mobx。并且最好是想使用sessionStorage。有没有一种简单的方法可以以最少的样板实现这一目标?
function autoSave(store, save) { let firstRun = true; mobx.autorun(() => { // This code will run every time any observable property // on the store is updated. const json = JSON.stringify(mobx.toJS(store)); if (!firstRun) { save(json); } firstRun = false; }); } class MyStore { @mobx.observable prop1 = 999; @mobx.observable prop2 = [100, 200]; constructor() { this.load(); autoSave(this, this.save.bind(this)); } load() { if (/* there is data in sessionStorage */) { const data = /* somehow get the data from sessionStorage or anywhere else */; mobx.extendObservable(this, data); } } save(json) { // Now you can do whatever you want with `json`. // e.g. save it to session storage. alert(json); } }