这是我的看法http://jsfiddle.net/mike_123/2wvfjpy9/ 虽然我遇到了问题,但是当获得DOM引用并将新的标记呈现到其中时,似乎仍然维护着旧的引用。
render: function() { return <div className="ui modal"/>; <-- the idea at first was to only return <div/> },
React.render(<div > <----------- originally this element had className="ui modal", but this.node doesn't seem to overtake the original node reference <i className="close icon"></i> <div className="header">test</div> <div className="content"> {props.children} </div> </div>, <----------- this.node);
相反,你可以只需将您的应用程序的根组件和调用内部的模态的组件.modal()用detachable: false。使用此选项,语义不会进行任何DOM操作,并且您不会丢失React DOM事件侦听器。
detachable: false
使用Webpack / Babel的示例:
import React, { Component } from 'react' import $ from 'jquery' if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.jQuery = $ require('semantic-ui/dist/semantic.js') } class App extends Component { state = { showModal: false } _toggleModal = (e) => { e.preventDefault() this.toggleModalState() } toggleModalState = () => { this.setState({ showModal: !this.state.showModal }) } render() { return ( <div> <a href="" onClick={this._toggleModal}></a> {this.state.showModal ? <Modal toggleModalState={this.toggleModalState}/> : ''} </div> ) } } class Modal extends Component { componentDidMount() { $(this.modal) .modal({ detachable: false }) .modal('show') } componentWillUnmount() { $(this.modal).modal('hide') } _close = (e) { e.preventDefault() alert("Clicked") this.props.toggleModalState() } render() { return ( <div ref={(n) => this.modal = n} className="ui modal"> <div class="content"> <a onClick={this._close} href="">Click Me</a> </div> </div> ) } }